- Pteropus personatus n. 饰面狐蝠
- sand la(u)nce (Ammodytes personatus) 玉筋鱼
- Pteropus tonganus [insular flying fox] 海岛狐蝠
- Ammodytes personatus resources in the Yellow Sea and its sustainable utilization 黄海玉筋鱼资源及其可持续利用
- A preliminary study on the reproductive characters of Ammodytes personatus in the Yellow Sea 黄海玉筋鱼繁殖习性的初步研究
- Food consumption and ecological conversion efficiency of a marine small-size fish, Ammodytes personatus, determined in laboratory 室内模拟条件下的胃含物法测定玉筋鱼摄食与生态转换效率
- Ammodyte personatus 玉筋鱼
- Pteropus admiralitatum n. 巴布亚狐蝠
- Agapornis personatus n. 伪装情侣鹦鹉(鹦鹉科)
- Pteropus chrysoproctus n. 金尾狐蝠
- Callicebus personatus n. 假面伶猴
- Pteropus caniceps n. 苍头孤蝠
- Pteronotus personatus n. 魏氏髯蝠
- Pteropus ocularis n. 西兰狐蝠
- Geomys personatus n. 得克萨斯囊鼠
- Pteropus livingstonei n. 科摩罗狐蝠
- Myomimus personatus n. 画面睡鼠
- Pteropus arquatus n. 鹬狐蝠
- Reduvius personatus [医] 假装猎蝽
- Pteropus pohlei n. 新几内亚狐蝠