- Pseudoperonospora cannabina n. 大麻假霜霉
- Study on Chemical Constituents of Urtica cannabina L. 麻叶荨麻化学成分研究。
- A small Old World finch(Carduelis cannabina)having brownish plumage. 朱顶雀东半球的一种雀科鸣鸟(金翅属美洲家朱雀),有棕色羽毛
- Characteristics of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation by Sesbania cannabina. 普通田菁的共生固氮特性
- A small Old World finch(Carduelis cannabina) having brownish plumage. 朱顶雀东半球的一种雀科鸣鸟(金翅属美洲家朱雀),有棕色羽毛
- The floral nectary of Sesbania cannabina is on the receptacle between stamen and ovary.It belongs to receptacular nectary.There are ten regular stripes on its surface. 田菁的花蜜腺位于雄蕊和子房之间的花托上,表面呈规则的条形突起,属于花托蜜腺。
- On a laboratory cyclic magnetization unit fresh water and basic and gellable solutions of tianqin gum (cannabina gum) are magnetically treated while being prepared. 磁化处理可使压裂液的一些性质发生改变。
- Pseudoperonospora sp. 荔枝霜疫霉病菌
- Twostainsi Z-X-3 and Z-X-10, of Bacillus with strong antagonistic activity against Pseudoperonospora cubensis (Berk, et Curt.) Rostov, were selected by using an apore-germination method. 经黄瓜霜霉病孢子囊萌发抑制试验明确,芽孢杆菌菌株Z-X-3、Z-X-10对黄瓜霜霉病菌有较强拮抗作用。
- Sesbania cannabina Pers. 田菁
- Urtica cannabina. 西部 从 .
- Urtica cannabina L. 掀麻
- Pseudoperonospora cubensis in cucumber 黄瓜霜霉病
- Cucumber downy mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis f.sp.cucumerinum) 黄瓜霜霉病
- a small finch(Carduelis cannabina) having brownish plumage 一种小雀科鸣鸟(金翅属美洲家朱雀),有棕色羽毛
- cucumber downy mildew [ Pseudoperonospora cubensis (Berk et Curt)Rostov] 黄瓜霜霉病
- Studies on Anti Microbial Component and Activity of Seeds of Urtica cannabina 麻叶荨麻籽抑菌成分和抑菌特性的研究
- Keywords Urtica cannabina L.;young leaves;young stems;nutritional components; 麻叶荨麻;嫩叶;嫩茎;营养成分;
- Keywords Urtica cannabina L;variety organs;polysaccharides;extraction; 麻叶荨麻;不同部位;多糖;提取;