- Pseudocercospora camptothecae n. 喜树假尾孢
- The Biological Properties and the Nursing and Afforestation Technology of Camptotheca acuminate Decne. 喜树生物学特性与栽培技术。
- Pseudocercospora filiformis (Davis) Bai et Cheng, comb. nov. on Pulsatilla cernus (Thunb.) Bercht. 白头翁假尾孢(Pseudocercospora fili]ormis(Davis)Bai et Cheng;comb.;nov
- OBJECTIVE To study the chemical constituents of the volatile oil from Camptotheca acuminata Decaisne. 目的对喜树不同部位的挥发性成分进行对比研究。
- Objective To analyse the content of Camptothecine in fruit of camptotheca acuminata decne.by different dry methods. 目的探讨不同干燥方法对喜树果中喜树碱含量的影响。
- The concentration of camptothecin was determined in different tissues of Camptotheca acuminata seedling. 摘要测定不同生长期喜树苗各器官中喜树碱的含量。
- Light intensity also influenced CPT allocation in Camptotheca acuminata seedlings. 光强也影响喜树碱在喜树幼苗各器官中的分配。
- Effects of different illumination on growth and physiological and biochemical characters in cell culture of Camptotheca acuminata Decsne. 不同光照对喜树细胞培养生长和生理生化特性的影响。
- The responses of the secondary metabolites in leaves of Camptotheca acuminate seedlings to different light intensity were the most obvious. Those in roots were second to them. 喜树幼苗叶片次生代谢产物对光强变化的响应程度最大,根次之,茎最小。
- Lorence A , Medina-Bolivar F, N essler C L .Camptothecin and 10-hydroxycamptothecin from Camptotheca acuminate hairy roots [J ].Plant Cell Rep , 2004, 22: 437-441. 顾红雅;翟礼嘉.;植物基因与分子操作技术
- One-year-old half-lignified branches from Camptotheca acuminata trees were used to study the anatomical structure of stem and the formation of callus and adventitious roots. 摘要利用喜树当年生半木质化枝条,研究了喜树茎解剖构造及插穗愈伤组织和不定根发生的情况。
- If Camptotheca acuminata from the root bark, bark or fruit in the separation of camptothecin of masson pine caterpillars have a strong role in infertility. 如从喜树的根皮、树皮或果实中分离的喜树碱对马尾松毛虫有很强的不育作用。
- Camptotheca acuminata Decne. 喜树
- Camptotheca acuminate Decne. 喜树
- Camptotheca acuminata seedlings could tolerate 15% PEGgooo simulated drought stress during short time but the physiology was severe disturbance. CPT content was ascend under 10% PEGgooo drought stress condition that has important application purport. 本文研究结果表明:喜树幼苗能够忍耐短时间的15%25PEG_(8000)干旱胁迫,但生理严重紊乱,在10%25PEG_(8000)干旱胁迫下,喜树碱含量表达上升具有重要的应用意义。
- The ointment of camptotheca acuminata nuts, the tincture of camptotheca acuminata nuts and the blank preparation were given respectively to other groups of patients at the same time as controls. 同时用喜树果软膏和酊剂以及空白涂膜剂作对照。
- Pseudocercospora filiformis (Davis) Bai et Cheng; 白头翁假尾孢(Pseudocercospora filiformis(Davis)Bai et Cheng);
- Pseudocercospora tecomae-heterophyllae n. 异叶黄钟花假尾孢
- Pseudocercospora cassiae-fistulae n. 阿勃勒假尾孢
- Pseudocercospora mucunae-ferrugineae n. 暗红油麻藤假尾孢