- Pseudancylodiscoides gigi n. 黄颡伪锚盘虫
- Gigi Ruf is my favourite snowboarder. jtrinder 发起了一个话题: Gigi Ruf .
- Gigi; heart, I want to Guangdong. 吉吉:心缘,我要回广东了。
- Gigi: Late,late roses, like you can accept. 吉吉:迟到的相见,迟到的玫瑰,希望你能够接受。
- He says he's going out with a girl named Gigi. 他说他将和一个叫吉吉的女孩约会。
- Gigi:Ha ha!I was cooking dinner, what would you do? 吉吉:呵呵!我也在做饭呢,你会做什么饭啊?
- Gigi and Cecilia shared terrific onscreen chemistry. 赵雅芝和叶童共同具有极大的荧屏吸引力。
- Always clean LIV / GIGI / INEZ thoroughly before and aftereach use. 每次使用LIV/GIGI/INEZ前后都要进行彻底清洗。
- Gigi: what? Do you want to have it wrapped himself sent? 吉吉:什么啊?难道你要打包把自己寄过来?
- Gigi:Actually, I neither object to it nor support it. 事实上,我不反对,也不支持。
- The more difficult of the quartet are Gigi Buffon and David Trezeguet. 酥
- Juventus will discuss goalkeeper Gigi Buffon's future in Turin in February. 尤文将在2月份与门将吉吉.;布冯讨论关于在都灵的前景
- Gigi;well , I want to let him for your next beautiful blossoms in the rain. 吉吉:恩好,我要它为你下一场美丽的樱花雨。
- Gigi:I don't believe that you haven't found their intimate relationship . 我就不相信你没有发现他们的暧昧关系。
- Juventus have rejected a bid from Inter Milan for goalkeeper Gigi Buffon. 尤文图斯已经斩钉截铁的回绝了国米关于门神布冯转会的提议。
- Gigi:How you and your and your phone number to me, don't you believe me? 吉吉:你怎么又把电话号码给我了,难到你这么相信我?
- Juventus have taken out an advert in the Italian sports press praising their goalkeeper Gigi Buffon. 尤文图斯在意大利体育新闻中;取得一份广告以表彰他们的门将吉吉.;布冯
- Juventus goalkeeper Gigi Buffon insists they were made a scapegoat in the summer by Calciopoli investigators. 尤文图斯的守门员吉吉.;布丰坚持;这个夏天电话门调查员将他们当成了替罪羊
- French actor and singer best known for his cabaret appearances and his role in the musical film Gigi(1958). 谢瓦利埃,莫里斯1888-1972法国演员和歌唱家,以其卡巴莱舞蹈表演及在歌舞片吉吉(1958年)中所扮演的角色最为闻名
- Juventus Coach Didier Deschamps wants Gigi Buffon to remain in Turin as the goalkeeper is priceless. 尤文图斯主帅迪迪埃·德尚希望吉吉·布丰能够最终留在都灵,他认为这名门将是无价之宝。