- Objective To study the methods of estimation of prior parameter and compare their application condition in the absence of the gold standard based on the Bayesian theory. 摘要目的探讨无金标准诊断实验条件下,贝叶斯先验参数的确定方法,并比较不同方法的应用条件。
- Under the condition of the conjugate prior distribution, the prior parameters computed by three methods were similar. 在共轭先验分布的条件下,先验矩、分位数、众数与分位数三种方法确定的先验分布参数结果一致。
- In the paper, first, a two-components mixture prior parametric family for the in-control prior distribution is proposed in a manufacturing process. 在此篇论文中,首先对在制程控制下的先验分配提出一个由两个成份组成的混合先验有母数族。
- The sequential adjustment probably makes parameters and their posterior covariance fallible if there are anomalies in the prior parameters and the measurement data. 摘要若观测样本和参数先验信息含有异常信息,必然造成序贯平差参数估值及其协方差的扭曲。
- It happened prior to my arrival. 这发生在我到达之前。
- I appreciate that you may have prior commitments. 我体谅你可能事先已另有承诺。
- Something afforded or deserving prior attention. 优先考虑的事或值得优先注意的事
- His answer was tinted by his prior knowledge. 他的回答说明他先前就有所了解。
- No prior knowledge should be required. 不需要预先学得什么知识。
- My children have a prior claim on my time. 我的时间首先得用来照顾我的孩子。
- It happened prior to her departure. 这事在她走前发生的。
- I was unable to attend the meeting because of a prior engagement. 我因有约在先,所以未能参加这个会。
- Spend by each department have to fall within certain parameter. 每个部门的开支必须属于确定的系数之内。
- Prior to entering the nozzle, the steam is at high pressure. 在进入喷嘴之前,蒸汽处于高压状态。
- He feels a prior obligation to his job as a journalist. 他觉得要优先为他的新闻记者的工作尽职。
- What did you do prior to coming here? 你来这里之前做什么事?
- This task is prior to all others. 这项任务比所有其他任务都重要。
- Set this parameter to high value e.g. 2000. 设置这个参量到比较高的值,比如2000。
- Glass bead gels need not be hydrated prior to use. 玻璃珠凝胶在使用之前不需要水化。
- Add a random parameter with your URL. 在你的链接中多加一个随机参数值!!!