- Primnoa arctica n. 北极翘尾蝗
- General Electric's side-by-side Arctica,introduced this year,is the first real advance in refrigeration in decades. 通用电气公司今年推出的并肩放置的"北极"牌冰箱是几十年来在冷冻方面的第一次真正的技术升级。
- General Electric's side-by-side Arctica, introduced this year, is the first real advance in refrigeration in decades. 通用电气公司今年推出的并肩放置的"北极"牌冰箱是几十年来在冷冻方面的第一次真正的技术升级。
- The Atlantic puffin, Fratercula arctica, has a black back and white underparts, a flattened, brightly-coloured bill, and red and black eye-markings with bright orange legs. 大西洋海雀Fraterculaarctica,有黑色的背和白色的下身,平扁亮彩的鸟喙,橘色的脚和红黑的眼睛。
- A scyphozoan jellyfish of the genus Cyanea, especially the largest jellyfish, C. arctica, which usually grows to more than 3.6 meters (12 feet) wide and has tentacles over 30 meters (100 feet) long. 海蜇:一种霞水母属真水母,尤指最大型的水母北极水母,通常可以长到3.;6米(12英尺)宽,触须能够达到30多米(100英尺)长
- Primnoa 翘尾蝗属
- Primnoa primnoides 拟翘尾蝗
- Primnoa ussuriensis 乌苏里翘尾蝗
- Primnoa mandshurica n. 白纹翘尾蝗
- Primnoa cavicerca n. 凹须翘尾蝗
- Gavia arctica n. 黑喉潜鸟
- Salix arctica n. 北极柳
- Primnoa jingpohu n. 镜泊湖翘尾蝗
- Primnoa ningana n. 宁安翘尾蝗
- Puccinia arctica n. 北极柄锈菌
- Fratercula arctica n. 北极海鹦(海雀科)
- Primnoa tristis n. 暗郁翘尾蝗
- Primnoa primnoa n. 翘尾蝗
- Arctica n. 北极蛤 (帘蛤目;北极蛤科)
- Dinophysis arctica n. 北极鳍藻