- Presbytis hosei n. 何氏叶猴
- Fujian Hosei School Professor DONG Zi-liang also living in this. 福建法政学堂教授董子良亦居于此。
- Hirata, at Hosei University, says Japanese politicians are positioning for elections that could come as early as April. 日本法政大学的平田英昭说,日本政界人士正在为即将于4月举行的选举做准备。
- A small monkey(Presbytis entellus) of southern Asia, having bristly hairs on the crown and the sides of the face. 长尾猴一种南亚产的头颈部和脸两边有直立毛发的小猴子(神猴叶猴属)
- In eight years (1919) Huting zhen cum laude graduate from the Universityxia feng lin Pro, Hosei University, Lanzhou admitted. 民国八年(1919)胡廷珍以优异成绩从临夏凤林学堂毕业,考入兰州法政学堂。
- In order to analyze the cephalofacial morphological differences between Presbytis phayrei and P. francoisi, Cartesian coordinate data were used. 本文利用三维笛卡儿空间座标对菲氏叶猴(Presbytis phayrei)和黑叶猴(P.;francoisi)颅骨的形态结构作了比较研究;描绘了它们的侧视和俯视投影图形。
- Any of various slender, long-tailed Asian monkeys of the genus Presbytis and related genera that eat leaves, fruits, and seeds and have a chin tuft and bushy eyebrows. 叶猴叶猴属中的一种尾巴细长的亚洲猴,和食树叶和种子并有下颚胡须和浓密眉毛的猴类有亲源关系
- Any of various slender,long-tailed Asian monkeys of the genus Presbytis and related genera that eat leaves,fruits,and seeds and have a chin tuft and bushy eyebrows. 叶猴,叶猴属中的一种尾巴细长的亚洲猴,和食树叶和种子并有下颚胡须和浓密眉毛的猴类有亲源关系。
- By method of scan sampling,the unilateral behavior of 4 individuals of Presbytis francoisi(2 males and 2 females) in eating and grooming was observed from April to May,2004. 2004年4月至5月,采用扫描取样法对贵阳黔灵公园笼养状态下的4只黑叶猴(雄性2只,雌性2只)取食和梳理时的单侧行为(利手行为)进行了观察记录并对数据进行了统计分析。
- Li Zhaoyuan 1999 Study of conservation biology on the white-headed langur, Presbytis leucocephalus, in China. American Society of Primatologists Bulletin 23 (2): 6. 胡刚,韦毅,李兆元1999岜盆保护区白头叶猴种群数量和濒危原因分析。国土与自然资源研究,2:63-66。
- By studying on the time budgets of Presbytis francoisi,the interior and environmental factors which affect the time budgets of the group were discussed. 通过对黑叶猴的活动时间分配的研究,探讨影响猴群活动时间分配的内在因素和环境因素。
- "In reality, the effect of this policy is really, really minimal," said Hideaki Hirata, an economics professor at Hosei University in Tokyo. "The amount is just 120 bucks [US dollars]. 东京法政大学经济学教授平田英昭就这个问题发表看法说:“实际上,这种政策能产生的效果确实非常小,120美元,这么点钱不可能有效刺激经济。”
- Lanzhou University, founded in 1909 in order to "Gansu Hosei School," in 1928 for the extension of Sun Yat-sen University in Lanzhou, in 1946 known as the "National Lanzhou University. 兰州大学创建于1909年,始为"甘肃法政学堂",1928年扩建为兰州中山大学,1946年定名为"国立兰州大学"。
- Presbytis francoisi leucocephalus n. 白头叶猴
- Mayanghe Presbytis fancoisi Nature Reserve 麻阳河黑叶猴自然保护区
- white-headed langur(Presbytis leucocephalus) 白头叶猴
- The Nutritional Metabolism of Presbytis leucocephalus in Cage Rearing 笼养白头叶猴食物营养代谢的研究
- The pathomorphological observation of lymphosarcoma of Presbytis framcoisi 黑叶猴淋巴肉瘤的病理形态观察
- a small monkey(Presbytis entellus) of southern Asia,having bristly hairs on the crown and the sides of the face 长尾猴,一种南亚产的头颈部和脸两边有直立毛发的小猴子(神猴叶猴属)
- Observations on the Food Habit of Presbytis francoisi, in Mayanghe Region, Guizhou Province 贵州麻阳河地区黑叶猴的食性观察