- Q3: What's the purpose of science education in your opinion? 问题3:在你看来,科学教育的目的是什么?
- Practice of Science Education 科学与人文
- The practice of science teaches us that knowledge is power. 科学的实践使我们认识到知识就是力量。
- Hodson, D. (1986), Philosophy of science and science education, Journal of philosophy of Education, 20(2), 215-225. 欧用生(1994);内容分析法;黄光雄与简茂发(主编);教育研究法;229-254;台北市:师大书苑.
- Gardner, P.L (1975), Some Implications From The work of Jean Piaget The structure of Science Education, : Longmans.. 林清山(1977);小学科学教育的心理学基础;台湾省国民学校教师研习会;国民小学自然科学研习教师手册;:.
- Biagioli, Mario. Galileo, Courtier: The Practice of Science in the Culture of Absolutism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993. ISBN: 0226045609. 比亚焦利,马里奥。《伽利略,库尔蒂:在绝对主义文化中的科学实践》。芝加哥:芝加哥大学出版社,1993。ISBN:0226045609。
- Q1: What is the history of science education in UK? What suggestions would you make for countries such as China to follow? 问题1:您能否介绍一下英国科学教育的发展历程?你对中国的科学教育有何建议?
- A specialist in the theory and practice of education. 教育家教育理论和实践方面的专家
- As the reform of science education proceeds, constructivism has been the main theory that informs science teaching and learning. 摘要在当今世界的科学教育改革中,建构主义已经成为指导科学教学的主要理论。
- To counter the nefarious influence of the ID creationists, we need to employ a proactive strategy of science education and evolution explanation. 想要反制ID创造论者的邪恶影响力,必须采取积极的科学教育策略及演化论解释。
- The techniques and practice of a midwife. 助产学,产科学助产士的技术及工作
- China should improve the quality of science education to attract more students, with more emphasis on managerial expertise and entrepreneurship. 中国需要更多强调管理专家和企业家精神以来提高理科教育的质量以来吸引更多的学生。
- The theory or practice of inducing hypnosis. 催眠术引导睡眠的理论及实践
- It is difficult to express it in terms of science. 要用科学的字眼来表达它是很困难的。
- Bar, V., &Galili, I. (1994), Stages of children's views about evaporation, International Journal of Science Education, 16(2), 157-174. 国立编译馆(1994);国民小学自然科学教学指引;台北市:国立编译馆.
- The CPC has accumulated a lot of precious experiences in dealing with the relationship of science and technology and ideology during the practice of revolution and construction. 中国共产党在革命和建设的实践中,在正确处理科学技术与意识形态的协调发展方面积累了大量宝贵的经验。
- The art or practice of preparing food. 烹饪烹制食物的艺术或操作
- The paper is also in the hope that it can promote the fusing of scientism and humanism and the fusing of science education and humanistic education. 从而促进科学文化与人文文化的融合,促进科学教育与人文教育的融合;
- The distinction of science education and humanities education rest with education idea and method, not the contents and amis. 科学教育与人文教育之区别主要不在内容与目标,而在观念与方法,教育教学观念与方法从根本上决定了教育的人文性质与科学性质。
- The act or practice of cooperating. 合作合作的行为或实践