- Polystichum nigrum n. 黛鳞耳蕨
- Polystichum acanthophyllum (Fries) Bedd. 刺叶耳蕨
- Polystichum acanthophyllum Bedd. 刺叶耳蕨
- A dried berry of the pepper vinePiper nigrum. 胡椒粒干的胡椒子胡椒属。
- Tissue Culture of Leaves of Solanum nigrum L. 龙葵叶的组织培养。
- A dried berry of the pepper vine Piper nigrum. 胡椒粒干的胡椒子胡椒属
- Fig. 1 Polystichum subfibriatum W.M.Chu et Z.R.He 1. 图1拟流苏耳蕨1.;根状茎及叶柄下部;
- Study on Aroma Compounds of the Black Piper Nigrum L. 黑胡椒风味成分的研究。
- Objective: To investigate the fatty acids in Polystichum tripteron. 摘要目的:研究三叉耳蕨叶的脂肪酸成分。
- Nutrition Ingredient and Exploitation of Solanum nigrum L. 龙葵的营养成分及其开发利用。
- Title: Study on Aroma Compounds of the Black Piper Nigrum L. 关键词:黑胡椒;风味成分;固相微萃取;气相色谱-质谱法
- The spore ornamentations support that Cyrtomium be included in Polystichum. 5.;本研究支持将贯众蕨属并入耳蕨属。
- A taxonomical study of Sect.Scleropolystichum Daigobo (Polystichum) from China. 中国刺叶耳蕨组(耳蕨属)的研究.
- Studies on Polystichum moupinense (Franch.) Bedd. and its relatives. 穆坪耳蕨及其近缘种的研究.
- Objective Selecting the better extracting method of Solanum nigrum L. 目的优选龙葵总生物碱的较佳提取方法。
- This article introduces the general conditions of solanum nigrum in China. 本文介绍了中国龙葵的资源概况及开发前景。
- Objective: To investigate the fatty acids in Polystichum neolobatum Nakal. 摘要目的:用索氏提取法提取革叶耳蕨叶的脂肪酸成分。
- CONCLUSIONViratrum nigrum cream has killing effects on Demodex folliculorum. 藜芦乳膏具有杀螨虫作用。
- Black pepper is ground peppercorns. Peppercorns are the dried berries of Piper nigrum, grown in the West Indies, Sumatra, and other eastern countries. 黑胡椒是研磨的胡椒子。胡椒子是生长在西印度群岛、门塔腊岛和其它东方国家的黑胡椒属的干浆果。
- Cytological observations on some species of Dryopteris and Polystichum from China. 一些中国产鳞毛蕨属和耳蕨属植物的细胞学观察.