- Polar Brilliant Red B 普拉艳红B
- B,Actually, the brilliant red part is not the flower but the bracts, they are modified leaver. 事实上那红色的不是花是变色的叶子。
- North American lobelia having brilliant red flowers. 长有鲜艳红花的北美半边莲。
- Flares of brilliant red shot up from the smokestack. 大烟囱里冒出来的阵阵耀眼的红光。
- The knight plumed his helmet with brilliant red feathers. 骑士用鲜红的羽毛装饰他的头盔。
- It shows a brilliant red ruby color with delicate brown tonalities. 此款酒呈现明亮的宝石红色,并且带有棕色色调。
- Removal of azo dye Acid Red B(ARB) by magnetic ferrite adsorbents. 用铁酸盐型磁性吸附剂去除偶氮染料酸性红B
- Faramita peach blossom is brilliant red , fragrant Hua Chu of characters shows. 彼岸桃花红艳艳,文字芳华初露。
- It shows a brilliant red ruby colour with delicate brown tonalities. 此款酒呈现明亮的宝石红色,并且带有棕色色调。
- A mossy stone wall sets off the brilliant red of fallen maple leaves. 青苔爬遍石墙,衬得槭树落叶更滟红。
- Cardinal tetras are similar to Neon tetras in their requirements, but display a brilliant red stripe from eye to tail. 红莲灯和霓红灯在需求上非常相似,但是前者从眼部到尾部有一条明艳的红色条纹。
- Across the lake, a sliver of brilliant red crests the top of the shadowed forest . 在湖的那一边,一抹耀眼的红色爬上了荫郁森林的顶端,映衬出母亲在湖岸的侧影;
- Brilliant red violet color, it has aromas of ripe fruits like cherry, plum, tobacco and spices. It is round, fruity with pleasant tannins. 紫罗兰色泽,富成熟水果气味,车离子,李子,烟草及香料味道浓郁,口感圆滑,丹宁适中,典型赤霞珠味道。
- Ignite your look with brilliant red epoxy and sparkling Austrian crystals set in gunmetal. Choker-style necklace. 炮铜之路炮铜上镶嵌的奥地利水晶闪闪发光,难道这还不能成为吸引你目光的原因吗?
- Acid red B (ARB) solution was electrolyzed in a single-chamber cell and a two-chamber cell using Pt/C gas diffusion electrode (GDE) as cathode. 采用Pt/C气体扩散电极(GDE)为阴极;对酸性红B溶液进行单室电解和双室电解.
- Comments: Brilliant red violet color, it has aromas of ripe fruits like cherry, plum, tobacco and spices. It is round, fruity with pleasant tannins. 评语:紫罗兰色泽,富成熟水果气味,车离子,李子,烟草及香料味道浓郁,口感圆滑,丹宁适中,典型赤霞珠味道。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- Degradation of azo dye Acid Red B (ARB) over MnO2 in the absence and presence of ultrasonic irradiation has been investigated. 研究了MnO2、超声(US)单独作用和MnO2+US联合作用降解偶氮染料酸性红B(ARB)的情况。
- Here, a brilliant red sea fan coral spreads behind a golden damselfish in waters off Fiji's Namenalala Island. 这里,在斐济那门那拉拉岛水域里,金少女鱼后面是一片闪亮的红海扇柳珊瑚。
- Flashes of color and sparkle create our brilliant red Ruby &Diamond Star Light Earrings. 闪烁的色彩创造出此款红宝石/钻石星光耳环。