- Platea latifolia n. 阔叶肖榄
- Valeriana officinalis L. var. latifolia Miq. 宽叶缬草
- The Study of Heat-Treatment Condition of Typha latifolia L. 蒲菜热烫的工艺条件。
- Artemisia latifolia is a compositae, rhizomal, clonal plant. 摘要宽叶篙为根茎型菊科的无性系植物。
- GC-MS Determination of Volatile Components in Ilex latifolia[J]. 引用该论文 邢莹莹;岑颖洲;芮雯;伍秋明.
- High ...I know your heart is alone .. Li Zizania latifolia alone! 如果您还不是会员,请点击这里注册!
- After 479 B.C(Platea)the spirit seems to have gone out of the government of the Medes and Persians. 公元前479年(普拉太亚之战)以后,米地人和波斯人的政府好象已经丧失了元气。
- Historians speculate that he may have also fought at Platea in 479 BCE, but there is no conclusive evidence of this. 历史学家还疑心他或许也在西元前479年的普拉提战役中掺和了一把,只是没有确切的证据罢了。
- Either of two North American shrubs(Spiraea alba or S. latifolia) having umbel-shaped clusters of white flowers. 绣线菊属植物两种产于北美洲的灌木(绣叶菊属白花柳叶绣线菊或绣叶菊属宽叶绣线菊),具有白色花朵的伞状花束
- Application of GC-MS in Quality Control of Valeriana Officinalis L. Var. Latifolia Miq. GC-MS法在黔产宽叶缬草质控中的应用。
- Check and Analysis of Inorganic Elements and Water-Soluble Vitamins in Typha latifolia L. 蒲菜中矿质元素和水溶性维生素的检测与分析。
- Studies on the species introduction, rapid micro-propagation and utilization of Ilex latifolia Thunb. 优良观赏保健树大叶冬青扩繁利用研究。
- Chitosan coating technique for preservation of fresh vegetable MP Typha latifolia L. 鲜切蒲菜壳聚糖涂膜保鲜研究。
- Effect of Chitosan Coating on Physiological and Quality Changes in Typha latifolia L. 壳聚糖涂膜对蒲菜采后生理及品质的影响。
- Effect of Storage Temperature on Physiological and Quality Changes in Typha latifolia L. 储藏温度对蒲儿菜采后生理和品质的影响。
- Study on the Reproductive Biological Characteristics of Valeriana officinalis L. Var. Latifolia Miq. 宽叶缬草繁殖生物学特性研究。
- The edible tubers of the Eurasian species S. sagittifolia or of the North American species S. latifolia. 慈菇,宽叶慈菇欧亚种植物的可食用块茎慈菇或北美种植物的可食用块茎宽叶慈菇。
- Flos Pueraria omeiensis &Ilex latifolia(PL) decoction is often used for antialcoholism and treatment of hepatitis. “野葛花枸骨叶汤”常被用来解酒毒和治疗肝炎。
- The environmental effect of typha latifolia on disposal of sewage and tailing of Fankou lead zinc mine is described. 介绍了香蒲植物在凡口铅锌矿污水处理以及尾矿治理中的环保作用。
- The ionization probability increases as the additional field intensity is increased.The HHG spectrum exhibits a double platea structure when the intensity of the electric field is suitable. 另外;随着所加的静电场强度的增大;电离率呈上升的趋势;而谐波谱出现一个双平台的结构.