- Pittosporum truncatum Pritz 菱叶海桐
- Pittosporum truncatum n. 崖花子
- Pulsatilla ambigua Turcz.ex Pritz. 新疆白头翁
- Name: Aconitum hemsleyanum Pritz. 别名;
- New species of Pittosporum from China. 中国海桐花属植物的新种.
- Study on the VA Mycorrhizae of Acer truncatum Bunge. 元宝槭VA菌根的研究
- Preliminary Study on Antimicrobial Activity of the Seeds and Pericarp of Pittosporum tobira Ait. 海桐种子及果皮抑菌活性初步研究。
- The dynamic variation of the contents of flavonoid and cholorogenic acid in the leaf of Acer truncatum were studied. 通过对不同月份元宝枫叶产量和叶内黄酮、绿原酸含量的动态研究表明:元宝枫叶内黄酮的含量以8月份最高,含量达5 73%25;
- Acer truncatum Bunge is a kind of particular species in China,which belongs to Acer of Aceraceae. 元宝枫为中国特有的槭树科槭树属植物。
- Among shrubs, the dust-retention abilities of Viburnum odoratissimum, Pittosporum tobira, Euonymus japonicus and Lagerstroemia indica were stronger. 灌木中,以珊瑚树、海桐、大叶黄杨和紫薇等的滞尘能力较强。
- A protease purified from the fresh leaves of Acer truncatum Bunge by means of Sephadex A-50, Sephadex G-200 column chromatography. 采用Sephadex A-50;Sephadex G-200柱层析的方法;从槭树科槭树属元宝枫(AcertruncatumBunge)的叶片中提取并纯化了叶蛋白酶.
- Objective To Compare the essential oil extracted from the flowers of Pittosporum tobira Ait.by solid-phase microextraction(SPME)and steam distillation. 目的比较固相微萃取法和水蒸气蒸馏法提取海桐花中的挥发性成分差异。
- There are quercetin,kaempferol and isorhamnetin in the wing of key fruit of Acer Truncatum Bunge, and their contents change with season. 元宝枫果翅中含有中槲皮素、山柰酚和异鼠李素,其含量随季节变化。
- The essay mainly explains the resources and internal distributions of the Acer Truncatum Bge and discuses the processing technology of the plants. 本文论述了元宝枫鞣科植物的资源状况及鞣质在各部位的分布组成;
- This paper describes megasporogenesis and microsporogenesis as well as male and female gametophyte development of Pittosporum tobira (Thunb.) Ait. by using nomal paraffin method. 摘要利用常规石蜡制片法研究了海桐大、小孢子发生及雌、雄配子体发育的过程。
- Pittosporaceae: Pittosporum, also known as the Pearl of incense,七里香for evergreen shrubs, summer flowering, bright green leaves, evergreen Four Seasons does not wither. 海桐:海桐又名宝珠香、七里香,为常绿灌木,夏季开花,叶片嫩绿光亮,四季常青不凋。
- Based on the investigation of 164 trees of Acer truncatum, the relativities among characters were analyzed and the variable types were compartmentalized. 摘要以164株大树的调查数据为基础,对元宝枫各性状进行相关性分析,再进行变异类型划分。
- U. fissa Pritz. 荨麻
- Pittosporum glabratum Lindl. 光叶海桐
- Pittosporum illicioides Makino. 莽草海桐,崖花海桐