- Piloto Pardo 皮洛托·帕尔多,是智利制造的运输舰
- Piloto tem pouco poder dentro da equipe? 车手在车队里力量很弱?
- Rob Pardo confirmed at the GDC 2009 that Blizzard Entertainment and Microsoft are talking about the Xbox 360 successor. 在2009年游戏开发者大会上,RobPardo承认了暴雪娱乐正与微软商谈关于下一代Xbox360主机的一些问题。
- Annie Pardo, National Autonomous University of Mexico;and Jerold Chun, Scripps Research Institute. 安妮帕尔,墨西哥国立自治大学和颇尔春,斯克里普斯研究所。
- The Spanish luthier Antonio Raya Pardo was born in 1950 in Huelva (Jaen), but his family moved to Granada when he was ten. 西班牙吉他制作家安东尼奥 拉亚 帕多1950年出生在Huelva (Jaen),10岁时随家迁往格那纳达。
- Pardo, W. (1997). Service learning in the classroom: Practical issues. In Schine, J. (Ed.). Service-Learning (pp.90-104). Chicago, IL: National Society for the Study of Education. 转引自郭芳妙(民85)。美国中小学服务学习之研究。未出版之硕士论文,国立台湾师范大学教育研究所,台北。
- Rob Pardo: “There are are so many games like we make at Blizzard that we don’t take to consoles because they don’t support the input device, and you end up with crappy ports. 大家是否支持取消增加技能点的装备?如果一个练召唤的死灵因为装备的原因拥有了诅咒系或者是毒系的技能,他几乎无敌。其他的职业也一样。
- Piloto 皮洛托
- PARDO, Fernando Chico 费尔南多·奇科·帕尔多
- Pardo n. 帕尔多(在阿根廷;西经 59º24' 南纬 36º16')