- Moreover, the physical variables of JMH's NWP products has well relationship with the heavy rain. 物理量与强降水有较好的对应关系。
- The ogre race includes much physical variability. 食人魔族包含大量的身体变异。
- Further development in instrumentation techniques is certain to be very rapid because of the increasing demand for measurement and control of physical variables in a wide variety of applications. 由于对测量和控制各种用途的物理变量的需求与日俱增,仪表制造技术一定会突飞猛进地进一步发展起来。
- The simulated precipitation in each hour usualy weaken first and strengthen then, the physics variables of cloud had the same changes. 每小时降水量有先减弱后又增强的趋势,暴雨过程中云的各微物理量的变化趋势与其一致;
- The eigenvalue problem concerns two first-order ordinary differential equations and one second-order equation.Their coefficients depend on physics variables and gradients. 这些常微分方程的系数依赖于流动的基本流场的物理量及其梯度。
- The acoustics is a branch of physical. 声学是物理学的一个分支。
- Physical disability causes mental anguish. 生理伤残会引起心理苦闷。
- His problem is mental, not physical. 他的问题是心理的而不是身体的。
- A person of the Nordic physical type. 有北欧人身型特征的人
- A physician who specializes in physical medicine. 理疗学家专攻物理治疗学的医生
- A thorough physical examination. 体格检查彻底的身体检查
- Are men and women equals in physical strength? 在体力上男人和女人相同吗?
- Physical or sensual gratification. 物质享受物质或性的满足
- Impetus of a physical object in motion. 冲力运动中物体的动力
- In good physical condition; fit; slim. 健康的身体状况良好的,苗条的
- I have no idea how large the physical universe is. 我不知道物质世界有多大。
- Most athletes are above par in physical conditions. 大多数运动员的体质在一般水平以上。
- Physical chemistry is Greek to me. 我对物理化学一窍不通。
- The sight of physical suffering always upsets me. 我看到身体受折磨的情形总是心惊肉跳。
- The doctor gave me a physical this morning. 今天上午医生给我做了身体检查。