- Phocarctos hookeri n. 胡氏海狗
- Pterocephalus hookeri(C.B.Clarke)Hook. 翼首草
- Objective: To study the identification method o f Pterocephalus hookeri. 目的:研究翼首草药材的鉴别方法和质量标准。
- Purpose To qualify the composition of volatile oil from Pleurospermum hookeri. 目的对加哇挥发油的化学成分提取、分离后进行定性分析。
- Abstract Objective: To study the identification method o f Pterocephalus hookeri. 摘要目的:研究翼首草药材的鉴别方法和质量标准。
- Results Pterocephalus hookeri could significantly inhibit inflammation with lesser toxicity. 结果翼首草能显著地抑制炎症的产生;
- Objective To carry out an anti inflammatory study on, and an acute toxicity test with, Pterocephalus hookeri. 目的研究藏药翼首草的抗炎作用,并进行急毒实验。
- The results showed that these are good methods to indentify Nardostachys chinensis Batal.and Pterocephalus hookeri(C.B.Clarke)Huck. 结果表明:通过原植物、性状、显微、薄层色谱图研究能够很好地鉴定原植物。
- Two phenylpropanoids(1 and 2)were isolated from the fermentation extracts of commensal microbe of Maytenus hookeri(Streptomyces sp.3C). 从云南美登木共生放线菌菌株3C的发酵提取物中分离得到两个苯丙素类化合物1和2。
- The results showed that these are good methods to indentify Nardostachys chinensis Batal. and Pterocephalus hookeri(C.B.Clarke)Huck. 结果表明:通过原植物、性状、显微、薄层色谱图研究能够很好地鉴定原植物。
- Result and Conclusion: The convenient and effective identification methods for P. hookeri were esfabli shed, which provide basis for its quality standard and develop ment. 结果与结论:确立了翼首草方便有效的鉴别方法,为翼首草的质量标准制定和开发利用提供了科学依据。
- Pterocephalus hookeri Hook. 翼首草
- Onosma hookeri var.longiflorum Duthie 西藏紫草
- Pterocephalus hookeri(C.B.Clarke)Hoeck 翼首草
- Textual study of Tibetan medicine Jiawa (Pleurospermum hookeri var. thomsonii) 藏药加哇的品种考证
- Phocarctos n. 胡氏海狗属
- Studies on Lipoxygenase and Polyhydroxy Fatty Acid in SA-elicited Maytenus hookeri Suspension Cells 水杨酸诱导美登木悬浮细胞产生脂氧合酶及多羟基脂肪酸的研究
- Keywords Pterocephalus hookeri;Disacaceae;triterpenoid saponin;iridoidal glycoside; 匙叶翼首花;川续断科;三萜皂甙;环烯醚甙;
- Keywords Pterocephalus hookeri;identification method;shape and properties;microscopic characteristics;TLC; 翼首草;鉴别方法;药材性状;显微特征;薄层色谱;
- Keywords Tibetan drug,Pterocephalus hookeri (C.B.Ckarke) Hoeck,Ranjianduoji capsule,Quality evaluation,Quality standard; 藏药;翼首草;然降多吉胶囊;品质评价;质量标准;