- Greek culture penetrated Persia through the medium of the Syrians. 通过叙利亚人作媒介,希腊文化渗透到波斯。
- From Nanmu, it looks like stone. 大牛:楠木雕成的,简直像是石刻一样。
- Manichaeism spread both east and west from Persia. 摩尼教从波斯散播到东方和西方。
- Their tasks were to acquire wood from Nanmu tree. 他们这次要去开采的是楠木。
- A native or inhabitant of Persia or Iran. 波斯人波斯或伊朗的土著人或居民
- In a town in Persia there lived two brothers. 波斯的某座小镇住着两个兄弟。
- His aim was to attack Persia and punish the king. 他的目的是攻打波斯惩罚波斯王。
- Greek and Latin account of Egypt, Persia, India. 希腊语和拉丁文说明埃及、波斯、印度。
- Persia also took them from India. 波斯也从印度吸收了这些故事。
- Ali Baba lived many years ago in Persia. 很久以前,阿里巴巴生活在波斯。
- Xerxes and his forces hastened back to Persia. 薜西斯和他的军队匆忙撤回波斯。
- Soon I must fight the prince of Persia again. 现在我要回去,同波斯的护守天使交战。
- Prince of Persia series of action games. 波斯王子系列动作游戏。
- On a festive King would also like to use fish nanmu Drum Festival. 每逢节日还要用鱼肉敬祭楠木鼓。
- DaCi ZhenRu Hall is special in being made entirely from NanMu wood. 大慈真如殿为天王殿中院正殿,是北海现存的最高等级的建筑,全部有金丝楠木建成。
- The decks were soon covered with colourful rugs from Persia. 很快彩色波斯毛毯摆满了一甲板。
- Finally, from the main drum to drum lift nanmu home side put in upstairs. 最后,由鼓主把楠木鼓抬回家,端放于楼上。
- From Persia itself came a party of Christian missionaries (in 635). 从波斯本国还来了一群基督教传教士 (635年)。
- Light energy of gold-rimmed nanmu side sees continuously gold-rimmed. 金丝楠木侧光能见缕缕金丝。
- From there, umbrellas traveled to India, Persia, and Egypt. 从那儿,伞流传到印度,巴基斯坦和埃及。