- Pellionia grijsii n. 华南赤车
- Five species and three varieties of Elatostema from southeastern Yunnan are described as new, and one species of Pellionia and three specie of Elatostema are reported from Yunnan for the first time. 摘要描述了云南东南部荨麻科楼梯草属5个新种和3个新变种;报导了赤车属1个种和楼梯草属3个种在云南的新分布。
- A new synonym of Pellionia radicans (Urticaceae) 赤车(荨麻科)的一个新异名
- Taxonomic Notes on Four Species of Pellionia (Urticaceae) 赤车属(荨麻科)四种植物的订正
- The Primary Study on Micromorphology of Leaf and Chemical Component of Syzygium Grijsii (Hance) Merr.et Perry 轮叶蒲桃叶片显微形态与植物体化学成分的初步研究
- the characters of leaf epidermis from different populations of Syzygium grijsii were examined both under LM and SEM. 采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对叶表皮特征进行观察。
- Elaeagnus grijsii n. 多毛羊奶子
- Echinops grijsii n. 华东蓝刺头
- Syzygium grijsii n. 轮叶蒲桃
- Machilus grijsii n. 黄绒润楠
- Camellia grijsii 闽鄂山茶
- Pellionia brevifolia n. 短叶赤车
- Pellionia crispulihirtella n. 硬毛赤车
- Pellionia paucidentata n. 滇南赤车
- Sect. Pellionia n. 赤车组
- Pellionia n. 赤车属
- Pellionia acutidentata n. 尖齿赤车
- Pellionia brachyceras n. 短角赤车
- Pellionia caulialata n. 翅茎赤车
- Pellionia cephaloidea n. 头序赤车