- He's coming out of hospital on Friday. 他星期五要出院了。
- I'm bound to ease a Rendon patient out of the world. 但是我必须去把莱敦的一个病人超度到另一个世界去。
- He' s coming out of hospital on Friday. 他星期五要出院了.
- It was a long time before he got out of hospital. 过了很长时间他才出院。
- He will soon be out of hospital. 他很快就要出医院了。
- He came out of hospital with his leg still swathed in bandages. 他离开了医院,腿仍裹在绷带中。
- This helps to bring patients out of coma. 这药可以使病人从昏迷状态中苏醒过来。
- The doctors are letting Father out of hospital next week. 医生打算让父亲下周出院。
- They oughtn't to have let you out of hospital so soon. 他们不应该那么快就让你院了。
- Patient out of hospital 出院患者
- He has picked up slowly since he came out of hospital. 他自出院以来, 身体恢复得很慢。
- She is picking up wonderfully since she came out of hospital. 她出院后恢复得非常好。
- Get the patient out of the direct sun and cool them down by applying cold compresses and fanning. 让病人避开阳光直射,给病人冷敷、扇风使其降温。
- Could you tell me how many people have been out of hospital? 你能告诉我有多少人出院了吗?
- When he will get out of hospital confused his family. 他何时要出院仍然困扰著他的家人。
- Minnie: My brother's coming out of hospital tomorrow. 家兄明天可以出院了。
- He's been in and out of prison for years. 他多年来屡次进出监狱。
- Chewing gum after intestinal surgery can help reactivate paralyzed bowels and get patients out of the hospital sooner, a study said on Monday. 本周一公布的一项研究表明,患者在接受肠道手术之后,嚼口香糖可以帮助他们麻痹的肠道恢复运动,有助于患者早日出院。
- The statue was carved out of marble. 这座雕像是用大理石雕刻的。
- When Eric came out of hospital, his friends made a great fuss of him. 埃里克从医院出来后,朋友们对他照顾备至。