- Parnassius szechenyii lethe n. 四川绢蝶都兰亚种
- Parnassius szechenyii szechenyii n. 四川绢蝶指名亚种
- Parnassius szechenyii arnoldianus n. 四川绢蝶岷山亚种
- Parnassius szechenyii frivaldszkyi n. 四川绢蝶祁连亚种
- Parnassius szechenyii evacaki n. 四川绢蝶天峻亚种
- Parnassius szechenyii n. 四川绢蝶
- Parnassius szechenyii germanae n. 四川绢蝶康定亚种
- Lethe means it is impossible to forget at all. 尤其是其中的幽灵感和虚无感。
- For some time, Lethe is a good thing. 生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。
- Were drunk yesterday, whether one night, choose a lethe backward? 昨日,醉酒一宵,往后是否选择遗忘?
- All what we ever had left just as a lethe but cannot be dropped. 所有什么,我们都已经离开正如一位lethe,但不能被省略。
- It has small white barriers and lives (leaves) that feel light leth *(leather). 它有白色的浆果,而且它的叶子就像羽毛。
- Lethe is the river of oblivion or forgetfulness in the Underworld in Greek mythology. The dead would drink the waters of Lethe to forget their earthly existence. 这酹瑟河是希腊神话中的一条河流,人死后喝了它的水,就会忘记前世所发生的一切。所以希腊的酹瑟河水就相当于我们的孟婆汤。
- The new design of external ball surface lethe,and the effect of using were introduced. 提出了新的设计方案,介绍了新设计的外球面车床的使用效果。
- However, he forgot more or less, or he will never create the works relevant to Lethe. 但他真的是对历史有所遗忘了,否则他不会制造出眼前和遗忘有关的图像。
- But then again, with these kinds of stupid questions wandering around, no wonder...--Lethe. 不过,不奇怪会有这些愚蠢的质疑。
- The lethe wyvern is described as consuming all manner of flesh, that of both man and beast. 冥河飞龙喜欢吃各种各样的肉,不论是人肉还是兽肉。
- Lethe please,let me forget about everything except live with my baron in the trees. 那时,祖先们还有一点点光,来支撑他们脆弱的神话。
- It was strange because I won the decisive match against my country of birth against Jens-Kristian Leth, who by the way is one of my best today. 有些人可能觉得我的话比较幼稚,但我觉得只要你有梦想并为之不懈努力,总会有办法的。
- We are only what might have been,and must upon the tedious shores of Lethe millons of ages before we have existences ,and a name. 我们仅仅是某种可能性,要在忘川河畔渺渺茫茫等待千年万代,才能成为生命,具有自己的名字。