- Ignacy Jan Paderewski was a Polish pianist whose name was once synonymous with the highest level of piano virtuosity. 伊洛纳齐.让.帕代雷夫斯基是波兰钢琴家,其名字一度等于钢琴弹奏的最高境界。
- A mother took her boy to a Paderewski concert. 一位母亲带儿子去听帕德雷夫斯基的音乐会。
- Jan tells me that the new disco is not much cop. 简告诉我,那新开的夜总会名不符实。
- Jan moved on into educational publishing but Val followed her bent and remained in teaching until she retired. 简转入了教育出版界,可是瓦尔遵从自己的爱好,留下从事教学,直至退休。
- Instead of needing Jan, he started treasuring her. 他不再需要简,而是开始信任她。
- Hi. This is Jan Wise. Is Mr. Davis there? 嗨!我是JanWise。Davis先生在吗?
- Jan's factory is an absolute white elephant. 简的那个工厂成了一个大包袱。
- Frieda will make an excellent wife for Jan. 弗丽达将成为简的好妻子。
- Jan has certainly looked after us well. 简确实把我们照顾得太周到了。
- If expired on Jan 23, will be paid by Feb 6, etc. 如果在1月23日到期的,将在二月6日前支付,等等。
- Jan has been sicking up all morning. 珍妮吐了一早晨。
- Who's the girl standing behind Jan? 站在简身后的女孩是谁?
- He decided to help Jan as he felt sorry for her. 他同情简的遭遇,决定帮助她。
- I have no sympathy for Jan, it's all her own fault. 我不同情简,那都是她自己的错。
- Jan slammed her fist on the desk in anger. 简气愤地捶打桌子。
- Kevin's been chasing after Jan for months. 凯文几个月来一直在追求简。
- Shove up! Jan wants to sit down. 挪一挪!简要坐下来。
- Hi. This is Jan Wise . Is Mr. Davis there ? 嗨! 我是janWise。 Davis先生在吗?
- Jan: Oh yes, fresh corn and plump red tomatoes. 简:是啊,新鲜的玉米和多汗的红蕃茄。
- Mr. Jan and his wife are looking at them. Jan和他的妻子在看小船。