- 战争的阴影逼近了。 The specter of war loomed ahead.
- 仿样[样条]逼近 spline approximation
- 那个疯子拿着一把刀朝我们逼近。 The mad man came at us with a knife.
- 他面临逼近的死亡。 He was faced with imminent death.
- 敌军开始逼近。 The enemy began to close in.
- 逼近要塞 To advance upon a fortress
- 向敌舰逼近 approachthe enemy ship
- 逼近阶 degree of approximation
- 超逼近 superclose
- 逼近解 approximate solutions
- 逼近;靠近 Close in; move in
- 正逼近 positive approximation
- Lp逼近 Lp - approximation
- 双逼近 summarization
- 光流计算中的时域微分估计误差分析与逐次逼近计算模型 Error analysis of temporal differential estimation and successive approximation calculation model in optical flow estimation
- 敌人没有觉察到我们已经逼近,直到两声枪响震惊了他们。 The enemy were unaware of our closing in until two shots beat them up.
- 逼近能力 approach ability
- 逼近序列 approximate sequence
- 逼近紧集 approximately-compact set
- 逼近向量 approximation vector