- scimitar oryx | white oryx | [Latin] Oryx dammah 弯角剑羚
- Oryx dammah [scimitar oryx] 弯角大羚羊
- [Latin] Oryx dammah 弯角剑羚
- Oryx dammah n. 弯角大羚羊
- How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (5th ed., 1998). R.A. Day, Oryx Press, Westport, CT. 科学论文写作(1998)。傅祖慧,艺轩图书出版社,台北市。
- Game wardens at Samburu National Park said Monday they had found the lioness with a four or five-day-old oryx called Easter Saturday. Samburu国家公园的动物看管员周一发现这只母狮子竟然和一只刚出生四、五天名叫"复活节"的小羚羊待在一起。
- Either of two large African antelopes(Taurotragus oryx or T. derbianus) having a light brown or grayish coat and spirally twisted horns. 大角斑羚,大羚羊一种大非洲羚羊(大角斑羚或巨大角斑羚),皮淡褐色或灰色,角盘扭成螺旋状
- A large antelope(Oryx gazella) of arid regions of southern Africa, having long, sharp, straight horns, a tufted tail, and distinctive black and white markings on the head. 南非大羚羊一大型羚羊(长角羚羚羊属),生于南部非洲干旱地区,有长、尖而直的角,尾巴成束状,头部上有很明显的黑色和白色标记
- Wardens said the latest adoptee looked well and strong. Oryx number two was taken away from the lioness after its condition deteriorated from lack of food. 动物看管员们说这只刚刚被"狮妈妈"收养的小狮子看上去身体状况不错,很健壮,但是由于跟在狮妈妈身边缺少食物,第二只被收养的小羚羊已经被看管员从母狮子身边带走。
- See also bongo, dik-dik, duiker, eland, gazelle, gnu, hartebeest, impala, kudu, nyala, oryx, springbok, waterbuck. 亦请参阅bongo、dik-dik、gazelle、eland、duike、gnu、hartebeest、impala、kudu、nyala、oryx和waterbuck。
- The Arabian Oryx Sanctuary is an area within the Central Desert and Coastal Hills biogeographical regions of Oman. 阿拉伯羚羊保护区位于阿曼中央沙漠和沿海丘陵地带。
- Coombs,N.,& Cunningham, C.Information access and adaptive technology. Phoenix, AZ:Oryx Press. 1997. 本文摘录自互联网络;在此刊登仅为传递更多信息;版权归作者所有.
- The Oryx is classified in the buffalo family.With slender legs, they are the athletes in the fields on the terraces. 剑羚属于牛科的动物,双脚纤细,适宜在平野上奔跑跳跃。
- Last, some typical model of soccer teams is introduced, and the implementation process and method of Oryx is given too. 最后介绍了仿真机器人足球的一些主要模型并描述了Oryx的实现过程与方法。
- Robert A. Day. 1998. How to Write &Publish a Scientific Paper. 5th edition. Oryx Press. 邹承鲁.;2003
- The calf went to its mother and started suckling for about three minutes,then the lioness ran toward them and the mother oryx ran away. 小羚羊走到它母亲的身边,开始吮吸乳汁,大概过了三分钟,母狮子朝它们走去,羚羊妈妈就被吓跑了。
- Any of several African antelopes of the genus Oryx,including the gemsbok,having long,straight or slightly curved horns and a hump above the shoulders. 长角羚羊,一种非洲长角羚属的羚羊,包括长角羚,长有笔直或略为弧形的长角且背部前方有隆起。
- Any of several African antelopes of the genus Oryx,including the gemsbok,having long.straight or slightly curved horns and a hump above the shoulders. 长角羚羊一种非洲长角羚属的羚羊,包括长角羚,长有笔直或略为弧形的长角且背部前方有隆起
- Either of two large African antelopes(Taurotragus oryx or T.derbianus)having a light brown or grayish coat and spirally twisted horns. 大角斑羚,大羚羊一种大非洲羚羊(大角斑羚或巨大角斑羚),皮淡褐色或灰色,角盘扭成螺旋状
- A unique aerial voyage over the Namibian desert reveals elephants on a long trek for food and desert lions searching for wandering Oryx. 纳米比亚沙漠的独特性令大象长途跋涉寻找食物;沙漠狮子在搜索著徘徊的羚羊等。