- Orchis latifolia n. 宽叶红门兰
- A preliminary sutdy of Orchis in Northeast China. 中国东北红门兰属植物初步研究.
- Valeriana officinalis L. var. latifolia Miq. 宽叶缬草
- The Study of Heat-Treatment Condition of Typha latifolia L. 蒲菜热烫的工艺条件。
- Artemisia latifolia is a compositae, rhizomal, clonal plant. 摘要宽叶篙为根茎型菊科的无性系植物。
- GC-MS Determination of Volatile Components in Ilex latifolia[J]. 引用该论文 邢莹莹;岑颖洲;芮雯;伍秋明.
- High ...I know your heart is alone .. Li Zizania latifolia alone! 如果您还不是会员,请点击这里注册!
- Any of numerous orchids of the genus Orchis,having magenta,white,or magenta-spotted flowers. 兰兰属各类中的一种,长有洋红色、白色或带红点的花朵。
- Any of numerous orchids of the genus Orchis, having magenta, white, or magenta - spotted flowers. 兰兰属各类中的一种,长有洋红色、白色或带红点的花朵
- Either of two North American shrubs(Spiraea alba or S. latifolia) having umbel-shaped clusters of white flowers. 绣线菊属植物两种产于北美洲的灌木(绣叶菊属白花柳叶绣线菊或绣叶菊属宽叶绣线菊),具有白色花朵的伞状花束
- Any of numerous orchids of the genus Orchis,having magenta,white,or magenta - spotted flowers. 兰兰属各类中的一种,长有洋红色、白色或带红点的花朵
- Any of numerous orchids of the genus Orchis, having magenta, white, or magenta-spotted flowers. 兰花属各类中的一种,长有洋红色、白色或带红点的花朵。
- This article is mainly analyzed the nutrition of wild vegetables according to the orchis and chrysanthemum. 本文以马兰、茼蒿为例来分析论述野菜的营养。
- Application of GC-MS in Quality Control of Valeriana Officinalis L. Var. Latifolia Miq. GC-MS法在黔产宽叶缬草质控中的应用。
- Check and Analysis of Inorganic Elements and Water-Soluble Vitamins in Typha latifolia L. 蒲菜中矿质元素和水溶性维生素的检测与分析。
- Studies on the species introduction, rapid micro-propagation and utilization of Ilex latifolia Thunb. 优良观赏保健树大叶冬青扩繁利用研究。
- Chitosan coating technique for preservation of fresh vegetable MP Typha latifolia L. 鲜切蒲菜壳聚糖涂膜保鲜研究。
- Dijk E,Eck N D.Effects of Mycorrhizal Fungi on in Vitro Nitrogen Response of Some Dutch Indigenous Orchis Species.Can J Bot,1995,73:1203. 郭顺星,徐锦堂.;促进天麻等兰科植物种子萌发的真菌发酵液的抑菌作用
- Effect of Chitosan Coating on Physiological and Quality Changes in Typha latifolia L. 壳聚糖涂膜对蒲菜采后生理及品质的影响。
- Effect of Storage Temperature on Physiological and Quality Changes in Typha latifolia L. 储藏温度对蒲儿菜采后生理和品质的影响。