- Operational Research Committee 作战研究委员会
- Operational Research is a newly emerging subject. 运筹学是一门新兴的学科。
- Forecasting Macau Tide with Kalman Filter funded by the Research Committee of University of Macau, April2000. 澳门潮汐预测2000年4月由澳门大学研究委员会资助.
- He also acts as a committee member at the Beijing Taijiquan Research Committee member. 北京市武协委员。
- This annual seminar is hosted by National Theoretical Reportage Research Committee and undertaken by Inner Mongolia Open University. 本次会议由全国报告文学理论研究会主办,内蒙古广播电视大学承办。
- John Terninko, 1998, Step by Step QFD : Customer Driven Product Design, GOAL/QPC Research Committee. 和田忠太;1995;创意性机构设计;全华科技图书股份有限公司.
- The Chinese Quaternary Research Committee was established 50 years ago, and over the years its approach and goals have changed into a new epoch. 摘要中国第四纪研究委员会成立50年来,第四纪科学已进于一个新的后第四纪研究时代了。
- Reports of approved projects of research committee / [CRIC].Hong Kong Institute of Education.Centre for Research and International Collaboration. 1996小学教育及其他证书课程:学校经验;1996-1997/小学教育学部.;香港教育学院
- Using a simplex method of linear programming in operational research ,we determinedthe optimal plan of turning amount. 采用运筹学中线性规划的单纯形法,确定了切削用量最优方案。
- Dato' Er continues to maintain strong ties with his alma mater, where he is a member of the Research Committee of Nantah Education and Research Foundation. 他与母校多年来的联系也不曾间断,是南大教育与研究基金会研究委员会的一员。
- University degree in Marketing, Mathematics, Statistics, Operational Research, Economics or any degree with quantitative components. 大学本科以上,市场营销、数学、统计学、运筹学或经济学等相关专业。
- Malmborg, Charles. Genetic Algorithm for Service Level Based Vehicle Scheduling[J]. European Journal of Operational Research,1996,Vol.93,No.1,p121-134. 李大卫,王莉,王梦光.;遗传算法在有时间窗车辆路径问题上的应用[J]
- PADMANABHAN G,VRAT P.EOQ models for perishable items under stock dependent selling rate[J].European Journal of Operational Research,1995,86:281-292. 罗兵熊中楷等.;存货影响销售率且理论需求为线性时变函数时的EOQ模型[J]
- Jean-Michel Collette.Sustainable Economic Development and Sustainable Energy Use.International Journal of Operational Research,Vol.4,N0.4. 北京市科学技术委员会.;可持续发展词语释义[M]
- BEYNON M.Reducts Within the Variable Precision Rough Sets Model:a Further Investigation[J].European Journal of Operational Research,2001,134:592-605. 米据生吴伟志张文修.;基于变精度粗糙集理论的知识约简方法[J]
- F.C.Dargam and E.W.Perz, “A Decision Support System for Power Plant Design,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 109, 1998, pp. 310-320. 陈伟星,“最少化与群组化整备策略在印刷电路板组装之研究”,元智大学工业工程与管理博士论文,2003年。
- To remedy this problem, the Cardiac Ischemia and Anesthesia Research Committee was formed in 1997 and has conducted studies of perioperative complications in noncardiac surgery in Japan. 为了解决这个问题,1997年建立了心脏缺血和麻醉研究委员会,来指导日本非心脏手术中并发症的研究。
- Project Pigeon was presented to the National Defense Research Committee for further funding.The committee apparently thought that Skinner should also be restrained and rejected the proposal. 此项鸽子计画还向美国国防研究委员会申请更多的研究经费,但显然该委员会认为史金纳也该被好好限制一下,因此驳回他的申请。
- In this paper the optimal model of repaying debt comb ined with operational research and technology economics was presented. 结合运筹学与技术经济学,提出了还本付息的最优化模型。
- European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 187, Issue 3, June 2008, Pages 1310-1326 | Tarantilis, C.D.; Kiranoudis, C.T.; Theodorakopoulos, N.D. 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!