- The plant's first buds will open soon. 这植物的第一批蓓蕾即将开放。
- Hong Kong Disneyland Is Opening Soon! 香港迪士尼乐园即将开幕!
- The plant rs first buds will open soon. 这植物的蓓蕾很快就要开了。
- IBI Group Shanghai office will open soon. IBI集团上海有限公司即将开业。
- That's right. The Paralyg ics willi open soon. 是的。他们有说有笑,一点也不自卑。
- The Conference is Opening soon, Please pre-register right NOW! 会议报名即将截止,请马上预登记!
- An additional 3 Porsche Centres will be opening soon in Kunming, Harbin and Shenzhen. 另外座落于昆明,哈尔滨和深圳的三个保时捷中心也即将开业。
- Do you know if you will have some other openings soon? 你们近期还会有其他空缺吗?
- Tuesday in the Champions League against Aalborg, 33-year-old Scholes injured in the opening soon end, he will be in the injury early in 2009. 在周二欧冠对阵奥尔堡,33岁的斯科尔斯在开场不久即受伤下场,他将要在2009年初伤愈复出。
- The Asia flagship store of -"Hershey Chocolate World-" will be opening soon in one of the most flourishing business centres in Shanghai. 2008年,好时中国在亚洲的首家好时巧克力世界旗舰店将在上海市中心最繁华的商业区隆重开幕。
- Our expansion in Guangzhou is an important part of our future plans in China, Oakwood will also be opening soon with several properties in Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai. 奥克伍德在北京、上海和天津的若干公寓也即将开业,而广州的扩展在我们的中国发展计划中扮演着十分重要的角色。
- The Old Chengdu Club, which is the first exclusive private club managed by PHG in South-West of China will grandly open soon. PHG公司在中国西南地区的第一家国际顶级私人俱乐部(成都会馆)即将开幕。
- Our expansion in Guangzhou is an important part of our future plans in China,Oakwood will also be opening soon with several properties in Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai. 翻译:奥克伍德在北京、上海和天津的若干公寓也即将开业,而广州的扩展在我们的中国发展计划中扮演着十分重要的角色。
- China Fashion Week A/W Collections 08-09 will be open soon, and we are expecting the unlimited charm of fashion creation in warm spring. 中国国际时装周(08/09秋冬系列)发布活动的大幕已经拉开,让我们在暖意融融的春风中去感受和体验时尚创意带给我们的无限魅力。
- Natural lighting and air-conditioning, rainwater recycling model on the roof for collecting rainwater to re-use, the miraculous Water Resources Education Center will open soon! 省能源的采光与空调,屋顶的雨水回收利用模组可收集雨水再利用,神奇的水资源教育馆,即将开幕与您见面!
- The annual spring show on April 4 in ITC also meet, the first day of open soon, the gallery was packed with people, such scenes without much developers expected. 一年一度的春季展会4月4日在国贸又见面了,第一天开门不久,展厅内就被挤得水泄不通,这种场面着实出乎开发商预料。
- Casinos in nearby Singapore and the Philippine capital of Manila will open soon after he takes office cheap rappelz online rupees, creating new competition. 周边新加坡和菲律宾首都马尼拉的赌场在他上任后不久就将开业,将给澳门带来新的竞争压力。
- The networks of DB Transit maybe changed to cope with the need of the residents in the near future as The Hong Kong Disneyland will be opened soon. 二零零零年,随著愉景湾隧道通车,愉景湾居民可以利用陆路往返巿区,为此,愉景湾交通服务有限公司开办分别往返机场及东涌巿中心路线,令区内交通网络更趋完善。展望将来,配合迪士尼乐园开幕及地铁欣澳站开通,将可能令愉景湾交通服务公司路线网络有所改变,以更切合居民需要。
- The rabbit pop out as soon as we open the hutch. 我们一打开兔箱,兔子就突然跑出来了。
- Yushu to Lhasa to Chengdu Yushu, Yushu Geermu route to the Civil Aviation Authority has been approved, will be opened soon. 玉树至拉萨、玉树至成都、玉树至格尔木航线已经得到民航局的批复,不久将会开通。