- Low voltage rating power device. 低电压启动。
- Features: Low current, low voltage,low noise. 特点:低电流,低电压,低噪声。
- Low voltage driver and low current consumption. 拥有低电压驱动;低电流消耗的特性.
- Assembled safety and low voltage 24V heater. 并采用24V低压烙铁芯安全供电。
- Features: Low current, low voltage. 特点:低电流,低电压。
- An open flame could cause the entire place to burst into flames! 任何一点儿明火都可能使整个地方燃起熊熊大火!
- Low voltage charging or discharging may also cause deterioration of capacitor such as shorting and open due to sudden charging and discharging current. 即使是低电压充放电,也可能产生大的瞬间充放电电流,这可能会导致电容器性能的损害,比如说短路或开路。
- There should be no smoking or open flame near the faucet at the time it is open. 在打开期间,不要在水龙头附近吸烟或点燃明火。
- Electrical development engineer in low voltage apparatus. 电气开发工程师。
- A social gathering,usually held outdoors,at which food is cooked over an open flame. 户外烤肉餐社交聚会,通常在户外举行,食物在户外的火上烤炙
- Low voltage is around the screen, creating a low-voltage AC field. 在屏的四周分布着低电压。形成一个低电压交流电场。
- Gas dryer:A device to accelerate ink drying for web printing using heat produced by burning gas in open flame. 气体干燥器:卷筒纸印刷机上,用气体火焰产生热力的快速干燥装置。
- Low voltage power line carrier automatic meter recording system. 低压电力线载波集抄系统。
- A social gathering, usually held outdoors, at which food is cooked over an open flame. 户外烤肉餐社交聚会,通常在户外举行,食物在户外的火上烤炙
- Magnetic interference can be a problem in low voltage circuits. 磁干扰亦会成为低压电路中的一个问题。
- JC low voltage various power and bases,clear/ftosted. JC低压卤素灯各种功率及灯头,清光/磨沙。
- This class includes solids, liquids, and gases capable of catching fire in the presence of a spark or open flame under normal conditions. 在普通条件下,遇火花或明火会燃烧的固体、液体和气体。
- Case of open flame burning gas that is even an explosion, a serious threat to the safety of construction, tunneling shield machine careful not wise. 沼气遇明火即燃烧甚至爆炸,严重威胁施工安全,盾构机贸然掘进并不明智。
- Bucksthe input down to a lower voltage. 把输入降至一个较低的电压.
- During the construction of booth, smoking and operation with open flame are strictly forbidden and flammable and explosive materials should not be used. 十四、展馆内严禁吸烟。展台施工不得使用易燃、易爆物品,禁止明火作业。