- 调入Office对象模型的后台线程 Background Threads That Call into the Office Object Model
- 组件对象模型技术 COM
- 解释后台线程无法调用Office对象模型的原因。 Explains why background threads cannot call into the Office object model.
- 基于对象模型技术的图形动画系统开发 Development of Graphics Animation System Based on Object Modeling Technique
- Office对象模型不是线程安全的,但可在Office解决方案中用于多个线程。 The Office object model is not thread safe, but it is possible to work with multiple threads in an Office solution.
- Office对象模型支持托管的无模式窗体;但建议不要在后台线程上使用它们。 The Office object model supports managed modeless forms; however, it is not recommended to use them on a background thread.
- Excel中的某些方法和属性要求将本机Office对象传递给它们。 Some methods and properties in Excel require that you pass them a native Office object.
- 面向图像的Web对象模型技术 Research on Web Object Model For Image
- 组件对象模型技术在结构振动动态模拟中的应用 Application of Component Object Model in Dynamic Simulate of Structure Vibration
- 数字人体模型技术及其在汽车人机工程设计中的应用综述 An Overview on Digital Human Model Technique and Its Application to Ergonomic Design of Vehicles
- 子模型技术 Submodelling technology
- XML对象模型 XML object model
- ADO对象模型 ADO object model
- 4D模型技术 4D model technology
- 对象模型库 model object base
- 验证模型技术 Verification Modeling Technology(VMT)
- API对象模型 SolidWorks API object model
- 构件模型技术 component model technology
- 对象模型技术 OMT
- Word对象模型 word object - model