- Ochromonas mutabilis n. 变形棕鞭藻
- Research trend in hibiscus mutabilis L. 木芙蓉研究进展。
- Study on extraction process of leaves of Hibiscus Mutabilis L. 拒霜叶中总黄酮的提取工艺研究。
- Test on the Propagation Methods of Hibiscus mutabilis L. 芙蓉花优良品种的繁殖技术研究。
- Experimental Assessment on Mutagenicity and Acute Toxicity of the Effective Fraction of Leaves of Hibiscus mutabilis L. 木芙蓉叶有效组分致突变与急性毒性实验研究。
- Experimental Study on Anti- Inflammatory Activity of Effective Fractions of Hibiscus Mutabilis L. 木芙蓉有效组分的抗炎实验研究初步报道。
- The aquatic plants including metasequoia, camphora, acacia, hibiscus mutabilis and oleander, and native trees are iris, shuicong and reed. 水杉、香樟、金合欢、木芙蓉、夹竹桃等本土乔木,菖蒲、鸢尾、水葱、芦苇等水生本土植物将大量运用于绿化中。
- Objective:To investigate the preventive and therapeutic effects of H ibiscus mutabilis L on acute hepatic injury induced by CCL4 in rats. 目的:观察木芙蓉对四氯化碳(CCL4)诱导的大鼠急性肝损伤的影响。
- Flagellate Ochromonas sp. 棕鞭毛虫
- Hibiscus mutabilis L. [医] 木芙蓉
- Leaf of Hibiscus mutabilis L. 木芙蓉叶。
- Keywords Hibiscus mutabilis L;CCL4;Rat; 木芙蓉;四氯化碳;大鼠;
- Studies on chemical constituents of Hibiscus mutabilis 木芙蓉叶化学成分研究
- Keywords Anti-inflammation;Hibiscus mutabilis L;Flavones; 非特异性炎症;木芙蓉叶;黄酮类;
- Protection of the effective fraction of Hibiscus Mutabilis L. Against injury of renal ischemic reperfusion in rats 木芙蓉叶有效组分对大鼠肾缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用
- Study on the extraction of total flavone from flowers of Hibiscus mutabilis L. By microwave 微波法提取木芙蓉花总黄酮的工艺研究
- Ochromonas n. 棕鞭藻属
- Ochromonas intermedia n. 中间棕鞭藻
- Ochromonas crenata n. 凹沟棕鞭藻
- Ochromonas bourrellyi n. 布氏棕鞭藻