- 如果用aptitude,您会在"Obsolete and Locally Created Packages"部分见到这些软件包的列表。 If you are using aptitude, you will see a listing of these packages in the "Obsolete and Locally Created Packages" entry.
- 答词 reply
- 在此情况下,Visual Studio会通过在类型名称后追加“_Obsolete”文字来重命名现有的类型定义。 In this scenario, Visual Studio renames the existing type definition by appending the text "_Obsolete" to the type name.
- 我儿子被指派致答词。 My son was appointed to reply to the speech.
- 致答词 make a speech in reply
- 按工作原理可划分为:双协议栈(RFC 2893 obsolete RFC1933):采用该技术的节点上同时运行IPv4和IPv6两套协议栈。 They can be parted into these classes as follow according to the principle to realize it: 1. Double Stack(RFC 2893 obsolete RFC 1933):The node adopting the technique runs both IPv4 and IPv6 protocol stacks.
- 他对我们的欢迎词做了答词。 He responded to our speech of welcome.
- in,from,out,以及of都是介词。 The words'in','from','out' and 'of are prepositions.
- 如果命名空间中已包含带“_Obsolete”字符串的重命名类型,Visual Studio会在此字符串后追加一个序号,从而生成唯一的名称。 If the namespace already contains a renamed type with the "_Obsolete" string, Visual Studio appends an ordinal to this string to produce a unique name.
- 代表校务委员会致答词 Reply for the school board
- 介词OF Preposition OF
- (接受敬酒的人)致答词. Reply/respond to the toast
- 资金报表,见 statement of changes in financial position funds statement
- 上议院的致答词经上议院请求过。 An address from the House of Lords is agreed to by the House on motion.
- 的例外 of /at sth exception to ...
- part-of关系 part-of relation
- 马克?吐温以下面的话,开始了他的答词: Mark Twain in his reply started his speech with the following words:
- Doctor of Pharmacy D.Pharm.
- 系主任做了指示后,学生代表致答词。 After the dean of the department had given his instructions,the representative of the students replied for the student boby.
- k-out-of-n系统 k-out-of-n system