- 仓猝的决定 a snap decision
- 费伯最痛恨仓猝行事。 Faber hated snap decisions.
- 我想你离开佛罗伦萨时一定很仓猝。 I suppose you left Florence in rather a hurry.
- 他们十分仓猝的卷起钱就从后门逃走了。 They rolled up the money and left through the back gate in a tearing hurry.
- 如果用aptitude,您会在"Obsolete and Locally Created Packages"部分见到这些软件包的列表。 If you are using aptitude, you will see a listing of these packages in the "Obsolete and Locally Created Packages" entry.
- 在此情况下,Visual Studio会通过在类型名称后追加“_Obsolete”文字来重命名现有的类型定义。 In this scenario, Visual Studio renames the existing type definition by appending the text "_Obsolete" to the type name.
- 这件事太重大了,不是仓猝之间就能决定的。 It is too great a thing for me to decide offhand.
- 按工作原理可划分为:双协议栈(RFC 2893 obsolete RFC1933):采用该技术的节点上同时运行IPv4和IPv6两套协议栈。 They can be parted into these classes as follow according to the principle to realize it: 1. Double Stack(RFC 2893 obsolete RFC 1933):The node adopting the technique runs both IPv4 and IPv6 protocol stacks.
- 仓管 storekeeper
- 猝 abrupt
- in,from,out,以及of都是介词。 The words'in','from','out' and 'of are prepositions.
- 如果命名空间中已包含带“_Obsolete”字符串的重命名类型,Visual Studio会在此字符串后追加一个序号,从而生成唯一的名称。 If the namespace already contains a renamed type with the "_Obsolete" string, Visual Studio appends an ordinal to this string to produce a unique name.
- 货仓 simbl
- 料仓 storage hopper
- 仓颉 Cang Jie [the inventor of Chinese characters in legend]
- 出仓 to take out of storage
- 猝灭 quench blanking
- 仓租 warehouse rent charges
- 杂质猝灭 impurity quenching
- 爆仓 wharf explosion