- The trend of economic development in Taiwan in 2006 will continue into 2007 and Taiwanese economy in 2007 will basically be similar to that in 2006. 2006年台湾经济形势还会在2007年继续,因而2007年的台湾经济表现仍将与2006年基本相似。
- The analysis to economy in China Mainland shows that it poses the formation mechanism of bubble economy similar to that in Taiwan. 对当前大陆经济运行的分析表明中国大陆经济已经具备了类似当年台湾泡沫经济的形成机制。
- Many migrant workers sell their cheap labor in Taiwan because of a relatively weaker economy in their own countries.For that reason, they are often marginalized and stigmatized in this foreign land. 摘要外籍劳工,因为母国的经济弱势而飘洋过海出卖廉价劳动力,在台湾劳动市场中垫底、在社会对待上被边缘化、污名化。
- He is said to have been the richest man in Taiwan. 据说他以前是台湾最有钱的人。
- The Strategic Option for Open Economy in Anqing 安庆发展开放型经济的战略选择
- There is tax evasion in underground economy and open economy. 摘要地下经济和公开经济中都存在着税收流失。
- Mt. Jade is higher than any other mountain in Taiwan. 玉山要比台湾的任何山都高。
- Abstract: It is absolutely significant for the development of the old northeastern industrial base and prosperity of economy in Harbin by actualizing the “walk out” tactic, developing opening economy. 实施“走出去”战略,发展外向经济型对振兴东北老工业,繁荣哈尔滨经济具有及其重要的现实意义。
- What are some good places to see in Taiwan? 台湾有些什么好地方可以游览?
- In Taiwan a touring guide can make a lot of money. 在台湾做导游可赚大钱。
- Expand opening up in scope and depth and improve our open economy. (八)拓展对外开放广度和深度、提高开放型经济水平。
- Our firm is represented in Taiwan by Mr. White. 本公司在台湾是由怀特先生代表。
- A lot has been done in the recovery of national economy in the past few years. 在过去的几年中我们为了国民经济的恢复做了大量的工作。
- Are there any shipbuilding companies in Taiwan? 台湾有没有造船公司?
- We must practise strict economy in all fields. 在各方面都要厉行节约。
- Bean curd,or tofu,is eaten everywhere in Taiwan. 在台湾到处都有豆腐吃。
- Kenya has the largest economy in East Africa. 肯尼亚是东非最大的经济体。
- What does it cost a month in Taiwan? 在台湾生活一个月需多少钱?
- Transition of mode of thinking for an open economy II. 迈向开放型经济的思维转变2。