- O型血者为74.45%,A型者为79.07%,B型者为71.16%,AB型者为46.70%(P>0.05)。 Standardized positive rate of anti-HBs was 74.45%25 in people whose blood-group were O,79.07%25 in the people with A blood group,71.16%25 in the people with B blood group,46.70%25 in the people with AB blood group(P>0.05).
- 最稀少的是ab型血。 The rarest is type AB.
- 尿激酶型血纤溶酶原激活剂 Urokinase-type plasminogen activator
- 新型蛇毒C-型血凝素相关蛋白 Snake Venom C-Type Lectin Related Proteins Up-to-date
- 研究了W/O型聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)胶乳在水中的凉阻性能。 Drag reduction with W/O polyacrylamide latex(PAM)in water was studied in thispaper.
- 型的 thysanuriform
- 混血 hybrid
- 出血 hemorrhage
- 更换新的曲轴箱柱塞连杆O型圈。 Replace crankcase piston rod seals. Replace O-rings.
- 血的 hemic
- 外型 exterior
- 冷血 coldblooedness
- 户型 house type
- 血流 blood stream
- 笔型 pen type
- 凝血 cruor
- 选型 lectotype
- 溶血 hemolysis
- 一种O-O型决策问题的综合评价方法 An Integration Evaluation Method for the O-O Type Decision Problem
- 喋血 bloodshed