- O'Brien had tortured him to the edge of lunacy. 奥勃良快把他折磨到了神经错乱的地步。
- Momentarily he caught O'Brien's eye. 他的目光骤然跟奥勃良遇在了一起。
- O'Brien drew back the lever on the dial. 奥勃良把仪表上的杠杆拉回去。
- O'Brien had drawn back the lever. 奥勃良把杠杆拉了回来。
- O'Brien laid a hand on his shoulder, almost kindly. 奥勃良一手按在他肩头上,几乎是很同情似的。
- There's Mrs O'Brien taking her brood for a walk. 奥布赖恩太太领着她那群孩子散步呢.
- He saw O'Brien watching him intently. 他看见奥布赖恩在目不转睛地望着他。
- O'Brien in the program of work for three years. 欧布莱恩在这个节目里工作了三年。
- Afterwards, O'Brien was baffled by her collapse. 赛后,奥布莱恩对她的崩溃感到困扰。
- I guess Hands and O'Brien turned soft. 我猜汉兹和奥布赖恩的尸体已泡烂了。
- Closing time at this pub is eleven o' clock. 这酒馆的打烊时间是十一点。
- We've got the OK from the council at last. 我们终於获得了委员会的同意。
- Oscar O'Brien's voice brought Nim back to the present. 奥斯卡·奥布赖思的声音把尼姆又带回到现实。
- I liked the way O'Brien,our opening batter started the game. 我喜欢我们开赛的打击手欧布里恩一开始的表现。
- The child's mouth formed a big O in surprise. 那孩子惊奇得张著嘴像个大O字。
- An oblong slip of newspaper had appeared between O'Brien's fingers. 奥勃良手指中间夹着一张剪报。
- O'Brien had pushed the lever of the dial up to thirty-five. 奥勃良扳了杠杆,仪表的指针升到了三十五。
- Kathleen O'Brien is the chief ecdemic academic officer. 这所学院从未使用过分数制。
- I liked the way O'Brien, our opening batter started the game. 我喜欢我们开赛的打击手欧布里恩一开始的表现。
- Jim O'Brien, Brown, P.J.Carlesimo, Leonard Hamilton. OK, 对于最后一个人选,我们只是在开玩笑而已。