- Northern Combat Area Command 北部战区司令部
- Two nurses evacuated the sick and wounded flora a combat area. 两名护士把伤病员从战斗地域撤走。
- Two nurses evacuated the sick and wounded from a combat area. 两名护士把伤病员从战斗地域撤走。
- Jinxing Hotel of Shenyang Military Area Command P.L.A. 沈阳金星宾馆。
- The Tibet Military Area Command carefully prepared for the occasion. 西藏军区方面为此作了认真周到的接待准备工作。
- In urban combat areas, street fighting can not be avoided. 在城区作战,巷战是不可避免的。
- A method on the battle field of patrol aircraft(PA) for the aircraft carrier formation in synthesis combat area is discussed. 研究一种航母编队进入综合作战区后巡逻机的阵位确定方法。
- METHODS: The experiment was conducted at the Psychosis Prevention Center of Lanzhou Military Area Command. 方法:实验在兰州军区精神病防治中心完成。
- The primary area command of ACAD is reformed to inquire area and to mark it quickly and conveniently in design. 改 ACAD中原面积查询指令 Area为面积标注指令 ;以快速方便地标注设计图的面积指标 ;给出了面积标注程序 Area.
- On March 8,the Dalai Lama said he would go to the performance in the Tibet Military Area Command Auditorium at 3 pm on March 10. 3月8日,达赖确定3月10日下午3时到西藏军区礼堂看演出。
- On March 8, the Dalai Lama said he would go to the performance in the Tibet Military Area Command Auditorium at 3 pm on March 10. 3月8日,达赖确定3月10日下午3时到西藏军区礼堂看演出。
- "Graduates" fight for two weeks, then rotate out of combat areas for a rest period. 学院“毕业生”打两星期仗,然后轮流从战地撤回休整。
- Every household should send people to Norbu Lingka,the residence of the Dalai Lama,to petition him not to attend the performance in the Military Area Command. 每家都要派人到达赖喇嘛驻地罗布林卡请愿,请求他不要去军区看戏。
- to evacuate the sick and wounded from a combat area 把伤病员从战斗地区撤走
- The General Staff Headquarters is in charge of nationwide militia work. Each military area command is responsible for the militia work under its jurisdiction. Each provincial command exercises leadership and command over the militia in its region. 总参谋部主管全国的民兵工作,各军区负责本区域的民兵工作,省军区是本地区的民兵领导指挥机关。
- Moss affects the northern slopes. 朝北的山坡易生苔。
- In the letter of March 16,he said that he had "educated" and "severely criticized" officials of the Tibetan local government. He also expressed the desire to still go to the Military Area Command a few days later. 在16日的信中,他还表示,已对地方政府官员等进行了“教育”和“严厉地指责”,并表示几天后还可能到军区去。
- Reapportionment and merger reduced the number of military area commands from eleven to seven. 大军区由11个撤并为7个。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。
- He is an expert in unarmed combat. 他是徒手格斗的能手。