- At a time like this, a tour of Pyongyang for the Americans provides a potent panacea to boost the morale of the North Korean people and encourage their loyalty to Kim. 在这样的时刻,邀请美国人前往平壤观看团体操表演被当作灵丹妙药,以便提升北朝鲜的民心士气,鼓励人民继续忠诚于金正日。
- Pyongyang says the council's earlier presidential statement that criticizing the North for its recent rocket launch degrades the dignity of the North Korean people. 平壤表示安理会先前通过的批评朝鲜近期火箭发射的主席声明侮辱了朝鲜人民的尊严”。
- Pyongyang says the council's earlier presidential statement criticizing the North for its recent rocket launch "degrades the dignity" of the North Korean people. 平阳说安理会先前总统般对其近期火箭发射的批评是对朝鲜人民人格的侮辱。
- It is an act to show off the North Korean peoples loyalty, solidarity and iron will in serving their Kim Jong-il. 其作用是炫耀北朝鲜人民为金正日服务时的无比忠诚、坚固团结和钢铁意志。
- North Korean People's Army 朝鲜人民军
- The drama reflect the Korean People's Army 's glorious image of brave and skillful in battle in Korea wartime from 1950-1953. 本剧反映了1950-1953年朝鲜战争时期,英雄的朝鲜人民军侦察兵英勇善战,不怕牺牲的光荣形象。
- People push carts in the North Korean city of Hyesan on April 4, 2009. 人推手推车在朝鲜城市Hyesan关于2009年4月4日。
- His father died on North Korean soil. 他的父亲死在了在朝鲜的国土上。
- North Korean premier arrives in China. 北朝鲜总理到达中国.
- In the history course of founding and developing this new people s army,Anyuan and Anyuan workers play vital important roles. 安源和安源工人在创建这支新型人民军队和发展壮大这支新型军队的历史进程中,做出了不朽功绩,发挥了重要作用。
- I think that the North Korean system will collapse at some point. 我认为北朝鲜的社会制度在某个时候必将崩溃。
- Completely break the Korean people in this project the myth of invincibility. the Chinese striker at the Athens final stone's enemies! 彻底打破了韩国人在这个项目上不可战胜的神话.;中国射手终报雅典一箭之仇!
- After a long campaign, the Duke of Wallington’s army defeated Napoleon. 经过长时间的战役,威灵顿公爵的军队打败了拿破仑。
- Chosun also reported that mechanised North Korean army units have been moving towards the border. 该报还报道朝鲜机械化部队已经向边界进军。
- Korean people are more nostalgic as the the Republic of Korea (ROK) successfully registered the festival with UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage in 2004, prior to China. 足疗小姐发疯似的撕扯着我确实让人有点胆战心惊,但是我还是推开了她,你再这样我现在就报警啊,足疗小姐一听又扑上了和我抢电话。
- As the weeks passed, the North Korean army forced the South Korean Army and its allies to retreat to the southern city of Pusan. 一星期一星期的时间过去了,北朝鲜的军队迫使南朝鲜军队退缩在南部城市平壤。
- He also says the North Korean government has placed new restrictions on the WFP's work. 迪尤说,主要问题在于,世界粮食计划署在北韩的紧急运作没有足够的资金。
- The Korean people set up a monument in memory of Comrade Luo Shengjiao. 朝鲜人民立了一个纪念碑纪念罗盛教同志。
- Seoul Keeps Quiet on North Korean Missile Launch Reports. 韩国对朝鲜发射导弹的报道不置一词。
- With SSH's army discharge and vacation approaching, fans have become unusually busy. 随着宋承宪退伍的临近和假期的到来,影迷们也变得异常忙碌.