- New Year's Day celebration in the U.S. 美国的新年庆祝。
- On New Year' s Day the streets look very gay. 元旦街上喜气洋洋。
- On the New Year’s Day, Gawain was brought to the Green Knight. 元旦当天,他如约来到绿衣骑士的住所,伸出脖子。
- When fire firecracker on new year’s day, order you cover ears for me. 过年放鞭炮的时候你帮我捂上耳朵。
- The children were still wide awake, when the clock struck twelve for the New Year' s Day. 当新年的钟声敲响十二下时孩子们仍然完全醒着。
- According to the stipulations of the Ming court,the prince had to dispatch his envoy or come in person to the capital to participate in the New Year's Day celebration each year and present his memorial of congratulation and tribute. 按照朝廷的规定,每年元旦,王须遣使或亲自来京参加朝贺典礼,呈递贺表贡物。
- It's been such a long time since the whole family gets together here on New Year 's day. 已经好久没有一家人一起过新年了
- According to the stipulations of the Ming court, the prince had to dispatch his envoy or come in person to the capital to participate in the New Year's Day celebration each year and present his memorial of congratulation and tribute. 按照朝廷的规定,每年元旦,王须遣使或亲自来京参加朝贺典礼,呈递贺表贡物。
- It was just before New Year's in Benares, in northern India.Everyone in the city was getting ready for the three day celebration, including the gardener of the king's pleasure garden. 故事发生在印度北部的贝拿勒斯,新年即将来临,城里的每个人都在为三天的庆典做着准备,包括国王御花园的园丁。
- My mother and my sister are decking our rooms with flowers for the new Year 's Day. 我妈妈和姐姐正在为新年用鲜花点缀房间。
- Calls to the Samaritans increase by eight per cent between Christmas and New Year’s Day. 圣诞节到元旦之间的这几天,撒玛利预防自杀热线的拨打数量比平时增加了8%25。
- Also still on New Year’s Day, we still put up some red couplets in red paper on the sides of the door. 在春节这天,我们要在门边帖对联。
- Sonora’s father was born in June, so she chose to hold the first Father’s Day celebration in Spokane, Washington on the 19th of June, 1910. 索诺拉的父亲生于六月,因此1910年6月19日,她选择在华盛顿的史伯坎市举行了第一次父亲节庆典。
- Organizers of the annual pre-Valentine' s Day celebration said they broke the record held by Hungary, where5,875 couples kissed simultaneously in Budapest in2005. 据此项一年一度的情人节庆祝活动的主办方介绍,这次活动打破了2005年在匈牙利首都布达佩斯创下的纪录,当时共有5875对情侣同时接吻。
- New Year's Day is a day for family reunion. 元旦是一个亲属团聚的日子。
- On New Year's Day they were all hung over. 元旦那天他们都感到宿醉头痛。
- A parade was held on New Year's Day. 元旦那天举行了游行。
- Chinese New Year Celebration at Vassar College. 参观美国瓦瑟学院欢度春节活动。
- Chinese New Year Celebration, its all about EAT! 新年团拜吃个不停!
- How will you celebration Chinese New Year? 你们如何庆祝春节的?