- Neutropenic splenomegaly 中性粒细胞减少性脾肿大
- Splenomegaly is almost constant. 脾肿大几乎是经常存在的。
- See splenomegaly having liver more. 多见有肝脾肿大。
- About 40 % patient can have liver splenomegaly. 约有40%25病人可有肝脾肿大。
- Hepatomegaly was found in 34% and splenomegaly in 56% of patients. 34%25的患者发现有肝肿大,56%25有脾肿大。
- The major clinical features are anemia, splenomegaly, and jaundice. 主要的临床症状是贫血,脾肿大和黄疸。
- A few patient can have spend liver, splenomegaly gently. 少数病人可有轻度肝、脾肿大。
- Do not have lymph node and liver splenomegaly commonly. 一般无淋巴结及肝脾肿大。
- Some even had abdominal pain,legs pain,hepatomegaly and splenomegaly. 有的甚至有腹痛、下肢疼痛。
- The patient has anaemia is spent in coming gently, icteric, splenomegaly. 患者有轻至中度贫血,黄疸,脾肿大。
- Because iron bear is overweight, partial patient has liver splenomegaly. 由于铁负荷过重,部分病人有肝脾肿大。
- It is used in the treatment of serious gram-positive infections.It has been used empirically in neutropenic patients. 常在机体有排斥万古霉素时作为低毒性的改进替代药物使用。
- Such massive splenomegaly is usually indicative of some myeloproliferative disease such as chronic myelogenous leukemia or myelofibrosis. 这样的脾肿大通常预示有骨髓增生型疾病,例如慢性髓性白血病或骨髓纤维化。
- A clinical analysis of 35 patients undergoing splenectomy for fever of unknown origin and splenomegaly. 脾切除术治疗不明原因发热伴脾肿大35例临床分析。
- Two women required a total of three hospital admissions for neutropenic sepsis, and two required fie hospital admissions for platelet transfusion for seere thrombocytopenia. 两名女性因为出现嗜中性白血球过少性败血症需要入院,两名由于严重的血小板减少而输注血小板需要入院。
- Echogram showed splenomegaly with multiloculated hypoechoic spaces without septation or internal echo. 超音波扫瞄发现脾脏肿大、多房性低音波且无内部回音或隔膜之脾脏肿瘤。
- If have splenomegaly and lienal function hyperfunction, can appear complete blood cell decreases. 如果有脾肿大及脾机能亢进,则可出现全血细胞减少。
- Hepatic symptom can appear icteric, yi Ke has ascites or produce esophagus varicosity and splenomegaly. 肝脏症状可出现黄疸,亦可有腹水或发生食道静脉曲张和脾肿大。
- Activity against splenomegaly was more limited;four patients had a >50% reduction in spleen size. 脾肿大的活动受到限制,其中四名病患脾脏减少的体积大于50%25。
- One of the most common causes for splenomegaly is portal hypertension with cirrhosis of the liver. 脾肿大常见原因之一是肝硬化门静脉高压。