- National Defense Reserve Fleet 国防后备舰队
- We should strengthen the building of our national defense reserves,develop the science,technology and industry of national defense and improve the system of national defense mobilization. 要加强国防后备力量建设,发展国防科技工业,完善国防动员体制。
- We should strengthen the building of our national defense reserves, develop the science, technology and industry of national defense and improve the system of national defense mobilization. 要加强国防后备力量建设,发展国防科技工业,完善国防动员体制。
- Air force is an important component of national defense. 空军是国防的重要组成部分。
- We need to improve the national defense mobilization system and consolidate the militia and reserve forces. 完善国防动员体制,加强民兵、预备役部队建设。
- He works in the Ministry of National Defense. 他在国防部工作。
- National defense must take precedence over all other questions. 国防应优先考虑。
- My profession touches our national defense very closely. 我的职业与我们的国防密切相关。
- Once more, should strengthen the national defense mobilization strength construction, enhances the reserve duty army and the militiaman constructs the quality. 再次,应加强国防动员力量建设,提高预备役部队和民兵建设质量。
- How do you think RMA influnces the development of national defense? 你怎样看待军事革命对未来国防的影响?
- This is Liaison Bureau of the ministry of National Defense. 这是国防部连络局。
- Continuous progress was made in national defense mobilization. 国防动员工作不断进步。
- The 1920 National Defense Act defined the training system. 1920年颁布的《国防法》,以法律的形式将这一体制正式确立下来。
- To consolidate national defense, prevent and resist aggression. 巩固国防,防备和抵抗侵略。
- Naval Reserve Fleet Management Assistance Unit 海军后备舰队管理保障小队
- Education for national defense is our compulsory course. 国防教育是我们入学的必修课程。
- Senior Officer Reserve Fleet East Coast 加拿大东海岸(大西洋)后备役舰队司令
- China adheres to the concept of people's war under modern conditions, and exercises the combination of a streamlined standing army with a powerful reserve force for national defense. 中国坚持现代条件下的人民战争思想,实行精干的常备军与强大的国防后备力量相结合。
- New advances were made in modernizing national defense and the army. 国防和军队现代化建设迈出新步伐。
- National defense and army building have made new strides in these five years. 人民军队贯彻新时期军事战略方针,实施科技强军战略。