- Nakama Toshinori 中间俊范(1915-),日本人,官员。
- Nakama Yukie is a Japanese actress born on October 30, 1979 in Urasoe City, Okinawa, Japan. 仲间由纪惠是日本女演员,1979年10月30日出生在日本冲绳浦添市。
- Tsudou saki wa nakama tachi itsumo no you ni yodooshi baka hanashi Friends are at the gathering place, talk about silly things all through the night. 要好的朋友们总聚在一起,像群白痴一样彻夜闲聊谈个不停。
- Arifureta Kiseki focused on a woman(Nakama)living with her parents and grandmother, and a man(Kase) living with his father and grandfather. 剧中男女主角,分别是爷爷,父亲三代男丁共同生活的男子田崎翔太(加懒亮),以及与父母和祖母,四人一起生活的女子中城加奈(仲间由纪惠)。
- Let the play Yukie Nakama become a new generation of Japanese TV drama series and the Queen, her small screen can be called representative. 该剧让仲间由纪惠成为新一代日剧女王,堪称她的小荧幕代表作。
- Nakama no matteru himitsu no kakurega he to the secret hideout my friends had 奔向伙伴们的秘密藏身处
- Takagi Toshinori 高木俊宜(1925-),日本人,电气学教授。
- Arimura Toshinori 有村利范(1932-),日本人,工会负责人。
- Kōri Toshinori 郡利矩(1909-),日本人,工科教授。
- Kinoshita Toshinori 木下义谦(1898-?),日本人,画家。
- Toshinori 寿格
- Nakama n. 名嘉真(在日本;东经 127º43' 北纬 26º12')
- and Fujitsu are open 1 out of 3,000,000 yen set high prices, and Nanako, Yukie Nakama, such as a sister on an equal footing, I do not know the final Aoi Miyazaki which will be touched. 而富士则开出1集300万日元高价,与菜菜子、仲间由纪惠等一姐平起平坐,就不知最后宫崎葵会被哪家打动了。