- Mus sorella n. 乌干达小家鼠
- We musn't flinch from the responsibilities of life. 我们不应该逃避生活的责任。
- But you musn't squander your money. 可是你也不能胡乱花钱
- You mus jt wear a uniform if you want to work here. 如果你想要在这里工作,你必须穿制服。
- In which 1500 surface mus, 1500 land mus. 其中水面1500亩,陆地1500亩。
- That little girl mus be your sister. 那个姑娘一定是你妹妹了。
- Grain intercrop area amounts to many mus 200. 粮间作面积达200多万亩。
- Alls suctions mus be fitted with suitable__. 所有水吸口都必须装有合适的(滤器)。
- Mus musculus was a dominant species,occupied 63.71%. 小家鼠为优势鼠种;占63.;71%25。
- But the variation of MUs for this mode depends on treatment site. 但该模式MU的变化与治疗部位有关。
- We'll thoroughly cultivate these mus of lands this year. 今年我们要深翻这几亩土地。
- Thebiopsy does not give any information about individual MUs. 但活组织研究不能给出单个运动单元的信息。
- Area of its intertill ground is 92. 80 thousand mus. 其中耕地面积为92.8万亩。
- Their total cultivated area is 500 mus, of which 300 mus are irrigate field. 他们的全部可耕面积是五百亩,其中三百亩是可灌溉的土地。
- Tutti questi furono i figliuoli di Davide, senza contare i figliuoli delle sue concubine. E Tamar era loro sorella. 他们都是大卫的儿子,此外还有他们的妹妹他玛,以及妃嫔所生的儿子。
- Salutate Filologo e Giulia, Nereo e sua sorella, e Olimpia, e tutti i santi che son con loro. 问候非罗罗哥和犹利亚,尼利亚与他的姊妹和阿林巴,以及同他们在一起的众圣徒。
- E Maria, la profetessa, sorella d’Aaronne, prese in mano il timpano, e tutte le donne usciron dietro a lei con de’ timpani, e danzando. 你要把他们领进去,栽种在你产业的山上,耶和华啊,就是在你为自己预备的住处;主啊,就是在你手建立的圣所上。
- Educators mus be responsible for motivating, encouraging, and guiding students. 激发、鼓励和引导学生是教育者责无旁贷的义务!
- Land is owned inside one annulus road 20 mus, draft development to be uptown. 一环路内拥有土地20亩,拟开发为住宅区。
- Using Click MusicalKEYS, you will be able to save, load and share piano mus... 使用这个软件,你能够保存,装载和分享优美的钢琴音乐。