- Mur边界条件 mur's absorbing boundary condition
- SEL-351 SEL-351
- 低频率抗体抗-Mur引起的溶血性输血反应 Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction Caused by Anti-Mur of Low Incidence Antibody
- 那好,我已为您订好了351航班的座位。 All right.I've booked a seat for you on Flight 351.
- 上海地区人群中Dib-、Mur+、Jk(a-b - )的红细胞表型明显高于白种人和黑人。 The frequencies of Di b-,Mur+,Jk(a-b-)in Chinese are higher than those in Caucasian and black people.
- 裤形胶布固定留置尿管351例临床体会 Clinical Experiences on 351 Cases of Pa-tients With Indwelling Urinary Catheter Fixed by Pants-like Adhesive Plaster
- 深入研究了Mur 二阶和完全匹配层吸收边界条件,通过数值仿真试验比较了它们的吸收性能; Mur and perfect matched layer (PML) absorbingboundary conditions (ABCs) are studied, and the absorbing performance of both theABCs are compared by numerical tests.
- 客运服务由351节车卡提供,每列火车拖行12个车卡。 Passenger traffic was carried in a fleet of 351cars,operated in train formations of 12 cars.
- 第三、编制FDTD计算程序,在吸收边界面上选Mur二阶吸收边界条件,在棱边上采用Mur一阶边界吸收条件。 The boundary within absorbed interface is made use of Mur absorbed conditions of second order; the boundary on the edge is made use of Mur absorbed conditions of one order.
- 制得产品的BET比表面积140~351 m2/g,DBP吸油值1.42~4.41 mL/g。 BET surface area and DBP oil absorbed value of prepared products are within 140~351 m~(2)/g and(1.42~4.41mL/g) respectively.
- 吸收边界条件统一性研究表明,Higdon算子、Mur吸收边界条件、色散吸收边界条件等可以看作推广吸收边界条件的特例。 The study of the consistency of ABCs shows that Higdon?s operator, Mur?s ABC, dispersive ABC and etc. can be regarded as special cases of the generalized ABC.
- 1994年上述四种传染病发病总数较1978年减少了约351.7万例,死亡减少约1.3万例。 In 1994,the number of incidences of the above-mentioned four epidemic diseases fell by about 3.517 million and the number of deaths by about 13,000 as compared with 1978.
- 1994年上述四种传染病发病总数较1978年减少了约351.7万例,死亡减少约1.3万例 In 1994, the number of incidences of the above-mentioned four epidemic diseases fell by about 3.517 million and the number of deaths by about 13,000 as compared with 1978.
- 采用了理想匹配吸收层技术改进了了基于衍射几何射线法(GTD)与时域有限差分法(FDTD)的混合方法,改进后的方法使计算结果比基于Mur吸收边界条件的混合法更精确更具有稳定性。 An improved method based on a hybrid method from geometrical theory of diffraction(GTD) and finite-difference time-domain(FDTD)method is proposed, in which the perfectly matched layer(PML) absorbing boundary conditions(ABCs) is applied to FDTD lattices. The results of the improved hybrid method are more accurate and more stable than the hybrid method using Mur ABCs.
- 对试验结果进行综合分析,高产、高糖品种有早熟种云蔗92/19、早中熟种云蔗89/351和粤农91/854; The trial indicated that early mature variety YZ92/19, early?mid mature varieties YZ89/351 and YN91/854 were the highest in cane yield and sugar yield.
- 3黄蓉蓉.酶联免疫吸附试验检测肺结核病人血清抗体的初步研究.中华结核和呼吸杂志,1983,6:351. 4 Termer M.Humoral immune response in human tuberculosis:Immunoglublines G,A and M directed against the purified 12 protein antigen of mycobacterial bovis Bacillus Calmette G verin. J C lin Microbiol,1988,27:1714.
- 截止1996年底,美国在华投资的项目数为22240个,协议投资额为351.7亿美元,实际投资额142.9亿美元。 By the end of 1996,22,240 projects with US investment had been launched in China with a committed investment volume of 35.17 billion US dollars. Paid-up investment in those projects totalled 14.29 billion US dollars.
- -见中国科学技术协会,国家自然科学基金委员会(主编)科学发展蓝皮书,2002卷:349-351;合肥(中国科学技术出版社)。 Studies on the Early Cretaceous Longzhaogou and Jixi Groups of eastern Heilongjiang , northeast China , and their bearing on the age of supposedly Jurassic strata in eastern Asia . - Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20 (2): 141-150.
- 超值保险