- Mucuna Interrupta n. 间序油麻藤
- Mucuna is a herbaceous vegetable. 油麻藤是草本植物。
- Mocula Mucuna is a * herbaceous vegetable. 该种植物是属草本的蔬菜。
- They say one way to renew the soil is to use a plant called mucuna. 他们指出有一种翻新土地的方法用来种植一种叫油麻藤的植物。
- Mucuna takes nitrogen from the air and places it in the soil, enriching it. 绵麻藤从空气中吸收氮元素并将其存于土壤中使土壤肥沃。
- They say one way to renew the soil is to use a plant called mucuna . 其中用黎豆来改良土壤不失为一种有效的方法。
- They say one way to renew the soil is to use a plant called Mocula Mucuna. 专家们称更新土壤的一种方法就是利用一种黎豆属的植物。
- Mucuna takes nitrogen from the air and places it in the soil and enrich it. 油麻藤从空气中吸收氮,并且将其安置在土壤中使土壤更加肥沃。
- They say one way to renew the soil is to use a plant called Macula (mucuna). 他们说有一种恢复土壤(肥力)的方法是种植一种叫油麻藤的植物。
- Mucuna takes nitrogen from the air and places it in the soil enriching it. 油麻藤蜀可以从空气中吸得氮气;将它放在土壤中可以使土壤肥沃.
- Mucuna takes nitrogen from the air and place(-s) it in the soil and reaching (,enriching) it. 黎豆从空气中获取氮并注入土壤中来丰富土壤。
- Mucuna bracteata - Research article on the use of Mucuna bracteata as a cover plant in Malaysian palm plantations. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Mucuna is a herbaceous vegetable.Its seeds can be planted during the short rainy season. 油麻藤是一种草本植物,它的种子可以在短雨季节用来种植。
- Ukuno Mucuna takes *nitrogen from the air and places it in the soil and reaching ,enriching it. 研究人员说最好的办法就是根据农民个人的需要和资源来决定。
- Macula (mucuna) is her bases (an herbaceous) vegetable.Its seeds can be planted during the short raining (rainy) season. 油麻藤是草本植物,其种子可以在短暂的雨季种下。
- The phenology of Mucuna sempervirens was studied by using the Mucuna sempervirens plants cultivated in Kunming as the materials. 以昆明地区种植的常春油麻藤为对象,对其物候进行了观测研究。
- Mucuna is a herbaceous vegetable.Its seeds can be planted during the short rainy season.Then the land is free to be planted with sorghum during the best growing season. 绵麻藤为草本植物,它的种子在短暂的雨季播种,之后,这片土地在适宜植物生长时期就可以随意种植高梁了。
- The effects of Qianglisheng, obtained from Mucuna macrocar pa Wall, on rat gastrocnemius fatigue in vivo induced by electric stimulation were investigated. 目的:采用以大果油麻藤的藤茎提取物为主的复方中药制剂强力生注射液,观察其对大鼠在体腓肠肌疲劳的影响。