- It exists 38 sedimentary cycles of palaeo-aeolian sands to its overlying fluvio-lacustrine facies or/and palaeosols in the Salawusu River valley of the southeast depression of the Mu Us Desert since 150 ka B.P. . 毛乌素沙漠东南部边缘萨拉乌苏河流域150 ka B.;P以来存在38个由风成砂丘与河湖相和古土壤构成的沉积旋迥。
- Research on the Response of Climate to Global Climatic Change in Mu Us Desert 毛乌素沙地的气候对全球气候变化的响应研究
- Grain-size Variation on a Transverse Dune and Response to Wind Direction Changes on Southern Edge of Mu Us Desert 毛乌素沙地南缘横向沙丘粒度分布及其对风向变化的响应
- Characteristics of land desertifications of different origins on the southeastern margin of the Mu Us desert 毛乌素沙地东南部边缘不同成因类型土地沙漠化的特征
- Establishment of Interpreting Key on Land Use Types in Mu Us Desert--A Case Study of Yuyang District 毛乌素沙漠土地利用类型解译标志的建立--以榆阳区为例
- Aerosol Optical Characteristics in Mu Us Desert Under Weather Conditions of Dust Strom and Haze 沙尘和灰霾天气下毛乌素沙漠地区大气气溶胶的光学特征
- Study on some characteristics of evaporation of sand dune and evapotranspiration of grassland in Mu Us desert 毛乌素沙地水分蒸发和草地蒸散特征的比较研究
- The Lake-Swamp Sediment Records on the Environmental Characteristics of Mu Us Desert since the Late Glacial Epoch 晚冰期以来毛乌素沙漠环境特征的湖沼相沉积记录
- Keywords Desertification assessment;Indicator system;Rangeland Driving force;Policy;Mu Us Desert; 荒漠化评价;指标体系;草场;驱动力;政策;毛乌素沙区;
- Preliminary Study on the Spatiotemporal Distribution of Moisture Content in Sand Dunes in the Southern Marginal Zone of the Mu Us Desert 毛乌素沙地南缘沙丘水分的时空分布特征
- Effect of Opening Western Part of Inner Mongolia for Cultivation on Change of Mu Us Desert at the End of the Qing Dynasty 清末西垦对毛乌素沙地的影响
- the Mu Us Desert 毛乌素沙地
- Mu Us Desert 毛乌素沙地
- Regulation of clonal growth of Hippophae rhamnoides L. Subsp sinensis population in Mu Us sandland. 毛乌素沙地中国沙棘无性系生长调节。
- Studies on the Water Transport Characters in SPAC System of Mu Us Sandy Land in Ningxia. 宁夏毛乌素沙地SPAC系统中水分运移特征的研究。
- The windblown sandy desertification is distributed mainly at the edge of above deserts, such as sand-covered loess areas at the south of Mu Us Shadi desert. 风沙型沙质荒漠化主要分布在上述沙地的边缘地带,如毛乌素沙地以南的覆沙黄土区等。
- How federal government deals with US deserter in Canada? 有赖昌星先例,看联邦政府如何处理美国逃兵?
- Evaluation result shows that desertification in Mu Us Sandy Land is very serious. 对毛乌素沙地评价结果表明,毛乌素沙地荒漠化十分严重。
- The genet characters and the ramet population characters of the rhizomatous shrub,Hedysarum laeve,in Mu Us Sandland were investigated. 通过对毛乌素沙地常见的豆科根茎灌木羊柴的基株和分株种群的调查研究,揭示植物的克隆生长的生态适应意义。