- Mrs Susan Hill 苏珊 希尔太太
- Mrs Hill is keen on Tom's marrying Susan. 希尔太太很希望汤姆能和苏珊结婚。
- Mrs Susan Cheung gives thanks to Arcadia Mandarin Baptist Church and Brea Baptist Mission for their prayers and concerns.And, the many messages that were posted on the web site. 张师母感谢培城国语浸信会和浸信教会的祷告和关心,并谢谢许多在网络上的支持和来函。
- I know Mrs Hill by sight, but we've never met. 我见希尔夫人面熟,但并不相识。
- Mr and Mrs Hill are such good hosts. 希尔先生和夫人招待客人真周到。
- Mrs Hill is not at home to anyone except close relatives. 希尔夫人不会客,但近亲除外。
- Peter and Susan seem to be cut out for each other. 彼得和苏珊似乎是天生的一对。
- James unleashed his power on Susan in revenge. 杰姆斯利用权力报复苏珊。
- It was a long trudge up the hill. 那段上山的路很难走。
- It was Susan who brought the problem to our notice. 是苏珊提醒我们注意那个问题的。
- The stately mansion crested the hill. 庄严的大厦位于山顶。
- Mrs Simpson comes in on weekdays to do for us. 辛普森夫人周日替我们料理家务。
- Mrs Hill is keen that Tom should marry Stella. 席耳太太很希望汤姆和斯戴拉结婚。
- Stop taking the mickey (out of poor Susan)! 别取笑(可怜的苏珊)了!
- The path leads to a hill bare of vegetation. 这条小道通向一座没有草木的小山。
- Susan have a close call in her car. 苏珊开车险些遇到意外。
- I know Mrs Hill by sight,but havenever met her. 我跟希尔夫人面熟,但并不认识她(从来没人给我们介绍过)。
- Susan unburdened herself of her terrible secret. 苏珊把藏在内心的可怕秘密全盘托出,解除了心理上的负担。
- Mrs Brown is known as a social climber. 布朗太太是有名的趋炎附势的人。
- I found Susan a very charming person. 我发现苏珊是个非常可爱的人。