- Mosla scabra (Thunb.) C. Y. Wu et H. W. Li 石荠芋
- Mosla scabra n. 石荠苧
- Study on the chemical constituent of Gentiana scabra Bge. 龙胆的化学成分研究。
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Mosla chinensis Maxim. 石香薷的组织培养与快速繁殖。
- Plant's development and the reasonable use provide the reference to Gentiana scabra bge. 对龙胆属植物的开发及合理利用提供参考。
- Effects of different numerical techniques on phenetic classification of Mosla complex (Labiatae) at population level. 不同表示方法对齐宁族群外表型分类之影响.
- Effects of Planting Time, Method and Fertilizer Application Rate on Production and Quality of Gentiana Scabra Bge. 播种期、种植方式、施肥量对龙胆产量和质量的影响。
- Title: Effects of Planting Time, Method and Fertilizer Application Rate on Production and Quality of Gentiana Scabra Bge. 关键词:龙胆;播种期;种植方式;施肥量;产量;影响
- Gentiana scabra bge the plant to have alleviates fever eliminating dampness,flows swiftly the liver to decide the startled function. 龙胆属植物具有清热燥湿,泻肝定惊的作用。
- Relatively, the resolution acidity had impact upon the distribution of Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn in Gentiana scabra Bge. in the medium of n-octanol/water system. 锌、铁、铜、锰在正辛醇/水分配体系中溶出性受酸碱性影响大些。
- The plant diseases had great effect on the output and quality of Gentiana scabra Bge,and had become the important factors of restricting the production of Gentiana scabra Bge. 龙胆病害是影响龙胆产量和品质的重要原因,已成为制约龙胆药材生产的关键。
- Mosla cavaleriei L. 小花石荠宁
- Mosla chinensis Maxim. 石香薷
- Mosla Buch. Ham. [医] 石荠┐属
- Patrinia scabra Bge. 糙叶败酱
- Gentiana scabra Bge. 龙胆
- Thedeutzia scabra series knapsack then painting the flowers the design, resembles the summer day early morning the transparent dew to drop onthe flower petal, a suitable youth race. 水晶花系列背包则绘有花朵的图案,好像夏日清晨透明的露水滴落在花瓣上,适合青春一族。
- essential oil of mosla chinensis 香薷挥发油
- Patricia Heterophylla (scabra) Bye 墓头回