- monetary policy transparency index 货币政策透明度
- Comments on Theories of Monetary Policy Transparency in Western Economic Circles 西方经济学界货币政策透明度理论研究述评
- Monetary Policy Transparency 货币政策透明度
- The clarity of the monetary policy objective and the transparency with which we operate the monetary system should help. 香港有清晰的货币政策目标,而且货币制度的运作透明度高,应有利稳定货币市场。
- A stable monetary policy was carried out. 稳健的货币政策被实施。
- Why the Monetary Policy Always Stops at Branches? 央行货币政策缘何受阻基层?
- On Operating the Steady Monetary Policy? 稳健的货币政策是如何操作的?
- The first is of course monetary policy. 首先当然是货币政策。
- Were There Regime Switches in U.S. Monetary Policy? 美国货币政策是否有区制转换?
- Power in monetary policy will also shift. 货币政策的决策权力将会转移。
- COSATU is now meddling in monetary policy too. 南非总工会现在也干预货币政策。
- But all this complicates monetary policy. 但所有这些会使货币政策复杂化。
- Should monetary policy uses long-term rate? 货币政策应该使用长期利率吗?
- Stimulative monetary policy is not black magic. 刺激性货币政策并非妖术。
- S. monetary policy," Pettis said. 帕特提斯指出。
- As such a monetary policy has given high discretion authority to central bank, transparency and accountability are its additional features in order to avoid time inconsistency and obtain credibility. 该货币政策框架赋予了中央银行进行工具选择和操作的高度相机抉择权力,为了规避动态不一致性和获得货币政策的可信度,透明度和责任约束成为“通货膨胀目标制度”的附加特征和要求。
- To some extent,easier monetary policy may soothe the transition. 就某种程度上来讲,宽松的货币政策可能对过渡期起到缓和作用。
- Making monetary policy by megaphone never leads to good results. 夸夸其谈的货币政策决不会取得效果。
- After the breakdown of Bretton woods system in 1973, the countries all over the world have adopted various monetary policy frameworks, which is aimed to enhance the credibility, transparency of monetary policy and the accountability of central banks. 1973年布雷顿森林货币金融体系崩溃之后,各国政府当局推行了形式多样的货币政策框架,目的在于增进货币政策的公信力、透明度和中央银行的责任性,努力实现经济资源配置效率和社会福利水平的提高。
- The current monetary policy is strangling the economy. 现行金融政策抑制了经济的发展。