- Monarda didyma [医] 美国薄荷
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Monarda fistulosa Linn. 拟美国薄荷的组织培养与快速繁殖。
- Any of various aromatic plants of the genus Monarda in the mint family, such as the bee balm. 香蜂草任一种唇形科中薄荷属的芳香型植物,如蜜蜂花等
- Their host plants were chiefly Cerastium oruense, Veronica didyma, Aster americana, Humulus candens and so on. 春季,叶螨多集中在菜地田埂及公路边等环境稳定的场所活动,寄主主要有卷耳,婆婆纳,美洲紫菀和?草等。
- A perennial, aromatic eastern North American plant(Monarda punctata) having opposite leaves and yellowish flowers with purple spots. 香蜂草产于北美东部地区的一种多年生的具有芳香气味的植物(香蜂草香蜂草属),有对生叶子,开微黄色而带紫色小点的花
- Ludxvigia prostrate, Cnidium monnieri, Veronica didyma and Artemisia lavandulaefolia showed high accumulation abilities of Zn. 丁香蓼、蛇床(Cnidium monnieri)和婆婆纳(Veronica didyma)叶以及野艾蒿(Artemisialavandulaefolia)的茎和叶对Zn有较强的富集能力;富集系数分别是2.;28、2
- A perennial,aromatic eastern North American plant(Monarda punctata) having opposite leaves and yellowish flowers with purple spots. 香蜂草产于北美东部地区的一种多年生的具有芳香气味的植物(香蜂草香蜂草属),有对生叶子,开微黄色而带紫色小点的花
- Other temples of Apollo in Turkey, however, were oracular, and they were built over active springs, such as those at Didyma and Claros. 然而在土耳其的其他地方,阿波罗神殿却曾经是神谕所,而且也建在泉水之上,例如位于狄狄玛与克拉罗斯的神殿。
- The effects of temperature on oxygen consumption rate and ammonia excretion rate of Neverita didyma were studied in laboratory. 在实验生态条件下,研究了温度对不同个体大小扁玉螺耗氧率和排氨率的影响。
- The Galium aparine L. and the Veronica didyma Tenore and the Descurainia Sophia (L) schur and the Copsella bursa-pastoris (L) Medic and the Arenaria serpyllifolia L.are 5 superior weed species of wheat field in Guanzhong west area of Shaanxi. 猪殃殃、婆婆纳、播娘蒿、荠菜及蚤缀为陕西关中西部麦田5种主要优势种杂草,其发生面积大,危害普遍严重。
- A little bag like that used in finger pressing is applied, with fifteen aromatic plants including wheat, cinnamon, yellow ginger powder, monarda, lavender, lime peel and moss rose contained in it. 香拓来源于泰国,有点像按压用的小布包,其中有15种香氛植物,包括麦、锡兰肉桂、黄姜粉、香蜂草、熏衣草、酸橙皮、洋蔷薇花等等。
- Monarda growing by the roadside; 香蜂草长在路边;
- Nitzschia marginulata var. didyma n. 边缘菱形藻二裂变种
- veronica didyma tenore [v. agrestis sensu miq. non l. ],以全草入药。春夏秋均可采收,洗净晒干。
- Studies on Eco-economic Thresholds of Veronica didyma in Wheat Field 麦田婆婆纳生态经济阈值的研究
- Study on Influence Factors of Haemocytes Clumping of Neverita didyma in Vitro 扁玉螺血细胞体外凝结影响因子的研究
- Preliminary Study of Allelopathy Mechanism of Veronica didyma Tenore 婆婆纳化感机理研究初报
- didyma, minuta quadrula, naevia, trunca conjuncta of the Trunca Group; Trunca种团的didyma,minuta quadruls,naevia,trunca conjuncta;
- Comparative effects of several weedicides control to veronica didyma Tenore in wheat field 几种麦田除草剂对婆婆纳的防治效果比较