- Mobile Support Base 机动支援基地
- Fourth, Flyaway Satellite System rental, Flyaway flight mobile support station. 四.移动卫星站租赁和技术支持;
- It might take votes from the Democrats, with whom its support base overlaps. 他们与民主党的基本盘存在重叠,可能会分走民主党的选票。
- Unwed mothers disowned by their families lose the traditional support base, but the fledgling network has helped. 未婚妈妈不被家人接纳,失去了传统的支柱,但这个刚刚建立起来的互助网络可以为她们提供帮助。
- A main reason for the Tigers' success is their support base: a loyal and prosperous Tamil diaspora in America, Canada, Britain and Australia. 猛虎组织成功的一个主要原因是他们的支撑基础:居住在美国,加拿大,英国以及澳大利亚的忠诚且富有的海外泰米尔人。
- It was this political class of intelligentsia that prepared for perestroika and became the main support base for Mikhail Gorbachev. 这一知识阶层为后来的”经济改革运动”奠定了基础,成为戈尔巴乔夫的主要支持者。”
- Several Notes shops will turn to Web browsers to provide a simple-to-use front end,while maintaining the Notes back end because of its better security,mobile support and development features for mission-critical applications. 有些采用Notes的单位将转向Web浏览器,以提供使用简单的前端,而同时保存着Notes的后端,因为Notes后端具有更好的安全性、移动支持以及关键任务应用程序的开发特性等。
- With a leadership and support base that seems to neatly reflect the national demographic, the party's launch has generated significant interest. 因为拥有来自一个能全面反映人民愿望的根据地的领导和支持,新党经引起了人民极大的关注。
- The likelihood that Mitt Romney would be in the 2012 field, as well, would also split the Mormon donor and support base, complicating matters. 另外,(共和党前马萨诸塞州州长)米特-罗姆尼2012年也将参选,这也将分散(犹他州众多)摩门教徒的捐赠和对洪博培的支持力量,使情况趋于复杂。
- The supporting base or groundwork of a structure,as for a monument or wall. 地基建筑中的支撑面或地基,如一座纪念碑或一堵墙
- The supporting base or groundwork of a structure, as for a monument or wall. 地基建筑中的支撑面或地基,如一座纪念碑或一堵墙
- Mr Maliki admits that he has blocked a big offensive in Sadr City, the crowded east Baghdad slum which is the militia's main support base, for fear of massive civilian casualties. 马利基承认,由于担心大规模的平民死伤,他阻止了萨德尔成的一次大攻势,这个巴格达东部拥挤的贫民窟是民兵势力主要的支持基础。
- This device contains: Slide support base, have the limited rigid side wards prescriptive interval device, NIR damper, and the device of control the output power of MR damper. 具有有限刚度的侧向限位装置安装在滑动支座上,限制屋盖位移在允许范围内;
- UNAIDS promotes research,mobilizes support from the private sector and encourages partnerships between governments and the pharmaceuticals industry. 艾滋病规划署倡导研究,调动私营部门的支持,鼓励政府与制药行业之间建立伙伴关系。 该署还设法让大制药公司作出努力。
- UNAIDS promotes research, mobilizes support from the private sector and encourages partnerships between governments and the pharmaceuticals industry. 艾滋病规划署倡导研究,调动私营部门的支持,鼓励政府与制药行业之间建立伙伴关系。该署还设法让大制药公司作出努力。
- Significant donations come from supporters in the USA, UK and Australia but the largest support base for JHF is Hong Kong. 其它大量捐款也来自美国、英国和澳大利亚的资助者,但是我们最大的资助基地还是香港。
- Ahmadinejad, 52, faces divisions within his own political support base, and the disputed election has exposed rifts within the clergy, with several senior clerics siding with the opposition. 52岁的艾哈迈迪-内贾德当前必须面对其自身政治支持者的意见分化,这场充满争议的大选也显示宗教人士中存在分歧,有若干名资深宗教领袖支持反对派。
- A candidate's online support base is a valuable commodity that can be used as a mighty civic tool, within the legal limits on fundraising and lobbying, when a candidate becomes an elected official. 候选人的网路支援基础,是非常有价值的,当候选人当选之后,可以在法律对于募款与游说的限制之下,作为一种强有力的公民工具。
- She is much more mobile now that she has a car. 她现在出去方便多了,她有了一辆汽车。
- Study of multi-layer mobile support mechanism in IP network 移动IP网络多层次移动支持机制的研究