- (=Flower's Auditory Test of Selective Attention) 费劳尔(氏)选择性注意听觉测验 F.A.T.S.A.
- S玻璃纤维 S-glass fibre
- 他在文件上签上姓名的首字母G.P.S。 He initialed the paper G.P.S.
- s-o-n-g拼成"song"一字。 s-o-n-g spells "song".
- 籼S Xian S
- A-S anti-spoofing(A-S)
- S捻 S Twist
- S族 S
- S.D system dynamics
- S光 s-component
- 脱S S removal
- S帧 S-frames
- S.C S.C
- T-S模 T-S model
- [Al]s [ Al ] s
- H.S.先生已退出本公司,特此奉告。 We have the honour to inform you of the retirement form this firm of Mr. H.S.
- S弯曲 bend waveguide
- C/S C/S
- S基因 S gene