- Microlepia bipinnata n. 二羽鳞盖蕨
- Microlepia marginata (Houtt.) C.Chr. 边缘鳞盖蕨 Marginal Scaly-fern.
- Studies on the chemical constituents of Bidens bipinnata L. 中药鬼针草化学成分的研究。
- Studing the Relive Pain Function of Bidens Bipinnata L. 鬼针草镇痛机制的初步研究。
- Objective:To study the relive pain theory of Bidens bipinnata L.. 目的:研究鬼针草镇痛作用机制。
- The Induction of Autopolyploid of Bidens bipinnata L. 鬼针草(Bidens bipinnata L.;)多倍体的诱变
- The results indicated that 90% ethanol abstract of Bidens bipinnata L inhibited the growth of U14 ascites cancer cells by enhancing the immunity. 结果表明,90%25鬼针草醇提物通过提高机体免疫力抑制小鼠肿瘤生长。
- The bidens bipinnata contains vitamin K1,and the content is change in different period of growth. 鬼针草含有维生素K1,含量随生长阶段的不同有变化。
- Objective To identify Bidens bipinnata L.,for providing the scientific evidence of quality standard. 目的对安徽民间习用药材鬼针草进行生药学鉴定,为其制定质量标准提供参考依据。
- ObjectiveTo explore the optimal purification condition of total flavonoids from Bidens bipinnata L. 目的研究大孔吸附树脂富集纯化鬼针草总黄酮的最佳工艺条件及参数。
- Abstract:ObjectiveTo identify Bidens bipinnata L.,for providing the scientific evidence of quality standard. 目的对安徽民间习用药材鬼针草进行生药学鉴定,为其制定质量标准提供参考依据。
- OBJECTIVE: To systematically study the evolution and fine seeds selection through Bidens bipinnata chromosome number, karyotype and volume. 目的:对鬼针草染色体核型等进行系统研究,为该种鉴定、演化和良种选育等提供必要的细胞学资料。
- ObjectiveTo explore the optimal purification condition of total flavonoids from Bidens bipinnata L.with macroporous resion. 目的研究大孔吸附树脂富集纯化鬼针草总黄酮的最佳工艺条件及参数。
- Fresh Bidens bipinnata L. was effevtive in reduction of LVH with high blood pressure and significant improve mend of cardiac function. 鲜鬼针草降低血压、逆转左室肥厚、改善心功能疗效显著。
- Study on the Property of Adsorption and Separation of the Macroporous Resins for Total Flavonoids of Bidens bipinnata L. 大孔树脂对鬼针草总黄酮的吸附分离特性研究。
- And at least 17 kinds of anionacid in Bidens bipinnata Linn..It provided the basic data for the utilization of this wild plant. 婆婆针中至少含有17种氨基酸。旨在为开发利用植物资源提供科学依据。
- OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effect of fresh Bidens bipinnata L. in the reversal hypertension and left ventricular hepertrophy (LVH) and cardiac function. 目的 :观察鲜鬼针草对逆转高血压病左室肥厚 (L VH )及心功能的影响。
- Bidens bipinnata,a weed of the compositae family,is widely distributed in China,and has been used as a traditional Chinese folk medicine for a long time. 婆婆针(Bidens bipinnata)是菊科鬼针草属植物,民间药用历史悠久,治疗作用广泛,疗效确切,药材资源丰富。
- There were Iva xanthifolia Nutt,Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.,Ambrosia trifida L.of invasive species and Cosmos bipinnata Cav of noninvasive species from temperate zone. 所选择的植物包括:取种于温带的入侵植物假苍耳(Iva xanthifolia Nutt)、豚草(Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.;) 、三裂叶豚草(Ambrosia trifida L
- The content of germanium and molybdenum in Bidens bipinnata L.was determined at the same time by benzene base fluorescence ketone (benzene fluorene ketone)-CTMAB spectrophotometry. 采用苯基荧光酮(苯芴酮)-CTMAB分光光度法对鬼针草中锗和钼的含量同时进行了测定。